• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    103 years ago

    I’m a big fan of cephalopods, psittacines, and corvids. They all show high levels of intelligence, and use a very different brain structure from mammals. Octopuses are particularly fascinating having their brain spread throughout their body. Also a fan of cats as they’re perfect killing machines that managed to adapt to live in practically every environment. :)

  • ghost_laptop
    3 years ago

    I think carpinchos are probably one cutest and friendliest animals there are, they are so friendly that they get along with fucking yacarés; that said I also think that saigas are fucking marvelous, but I don’t think they make such a good pets as carpinchos.

    Photo of carpinchos chillaxing with a yacaré.

  • @ajz
    2 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • dinomug
      73 years ago

      I can imagine those feelings.

  • @OstoNang@sopuli.xyz
    63 years ago

    For land animals I love wolves and for underwater animals I love sperm whales (probably because I’m a fan of the novel Moby-Dick). I find both so majestic and intriguing.

  • @gun
    53 years ago

    Always been a fan of meerkats

  • @styrianer
    53 years ago

    Otters! There are the cutest animal of the world,

  • @the_tech_beast
    43 years ago

    I like cats. They are cute and intelligent.

    Dogs are also great.

    Fishes are really boring - they don’t really do anything and just swim from left to right. Why would anyone buy a fish?

  • @nour@lemmygrad.ml
    43 years ago

    I like penguins. While they look cute, they’re well adapted to survive in an extreme environment. I can’t quite choose a favourite penguin species, but I like the emperor penguins for simply being huge. I like the rockhopper penguins for how they can get on their island despite the strong waves (I may not have explained well, but you can see ŧhis video and this video), and their awesome looks. I mean, look at this (source):

    And I like the Gentoo penguins for having a Linux distro named after them. :)

    • @Adda
      43 years ago

      TIL. I have never known “Gentoo” is a species of penguins. That is amazing. Love this fact.

    • @iortega@lemmy.eus
      33 years ago

      After first sentence: Still no Gentoo? After second sentence: Still no Gentoo? After third sentence: Still no Gentoo? Wait, no gentoo? ok, after image

  • soronixa
    43 years ago

    humans! they’re interesting and cute _

  • @jonuno
    43 years ago

    Pretty vanilla answer but if I had to choose 1 species it had to be doggos.

  • dinomug
    43 years ago

    I’ve been fascinated by all kind of prehistoric creatures, especially those species that have no relationship with current/living species.

  • kazutrash
    23 years ago

    I like Yautja, they’re so cutie

  • @vivivox
    23 years ago


    I just love them so much. They are little guardians and always around whether you see them or not. Tend to try and stay away from you because they’re afraid of you, and we of them, of course… I just love how they look, behave, and the important work they do for preventing pestilence from overwhelming us.

    It’s hard to pick a favorite species. Huntsman are very incredible, and tarantulas. The bigger the better. Although jumping spiders of all kinds are simply adorable and I love wolf spiders because they’ve always been around in my life.