• @tronk
    183 years ago

    Perhaps ironically, Reddit. It just has so many people that there’s loads of novelty, serendipity, and people that can relate to what I post…

    Stack Exchange. Sometimes it’s wacky, but most of the time it’s super interesting to see how people solve personal and professional problems. Also, I like seeing small slices of specialized fields. Like reading stuff about space or math or chemistry…

    Do GitHub discussions for bugs I’m hoping will be fixed count as a forum? 😅

    • @jonuno
      63 years ago

      Reddit. It just has so many people that there’s loads of novelty, serendipity, and people that can relate to what I post…

      Same here. Looks like the positive side of centralisation

    • DessalinesA
      43 years ago

      Haha that definitely counts.

  • @the_tech_beast
    93 years ago

    Reddit I also love to use those discourse forums of various projects. But thats a different type of forum

  • @grtcdr0
    2 years ago

    deleted by creator

  • @dumpsterlid
    3 years ago

    No one has mentioned metafilter yet??

    Its like a reddit that never acquired enough critical mass to become huge and attract shitty people but at the same time attracted enough people to become its own stable little community.

    I particularly enjoy that there is a tradition of making high effort posts where people link together several links on a topic/news story into a paragraph about it. Posts often feel like interesting mini blog posts about a topic rather than just a short description and link and I often find myself learning really interesting things reading metafilter.

    It is full of generally left leaning people and the site is maintained by paid moderators so I have never run into toxic bullshit there.

    Also I think to make an account to post you have to make a one time payment of $5 or so to discourage people from joining who don’t actually want to be there (and discourage trolls).


  • @hueyn
    53 years ago

    I am truly addicted to Slashdot.org besides Lemmy.

    Btw, fuck Reddit in every possible way.