Oh boo hoo!

    • @AgreeableLandscapeOP
      63 years ago

      I’m not looking forward to the prospect of being confronted with their sad bs.

      Me neither. The admins on this instance will try to ban facists as they come in and remove their content.

      • DessalinesA
        63 years ago

        Keep on the lookout everyone, we’ll appoint more mods if we have to in order to ban them faster.

    • @someone
      3 years ago

      deleted by creator

      • @sia
        3 years ago

        deleted by creator

        • @abbenm
          13 years ago

          I don’t know why other replies to you are treating this like a hard question… If we’re talking Mastodon, every instance has an about section that lists all the sites they block.

        • @someone
          3 years ago

          deleted by creator

    • @RiotingPacifist
      33 years ago

      I think every fediverse tool lets hosts limit who they connect to.

      TBH I’m not sure it’ll happen though, why did they create gab, then parler, instead of using mastodon, IMO because they want an echo chamber, so would rather follow the latest right-wing grifter than join established communities.

  • @onlooker
    73 years ago

    To quote Thor from Juniper Lee:

    "Ordering pity party of one please, your table is ready. Tonights special is an oven roasted fillet of poor me served on a delightful bed of cry me a river "

    • @AgreeableLandscapeOP
      63 years ago

      “Don’t forget our signature desert: I’m the victim in this with caramel sauce!”

  • @sia
    3 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • @AgreeableLandscapeOP
      23 years ago

      You can’t tell me there’s literally no small hosting company or right-wing lawyer out there who’d take you?

      Their dataset and traffic are massive. I doubt many small hosts can handle them.

      • @sia
        3 years ago

        deleted by creator

  • @k_o_t
    63 years ago


    i’ve literally never heard of this social network, yet apparently people are selling iphones with the parler app still installed for thousands of dollars 🤔

    • @AgreeableLandscapeOP
      43 years ago

      i’ve literally never heard of this social network, yet apparently people are selling iphones with the parler app still installed for thousands of dollars

      Some late stage capitalism right here

      • @Nevar
        3 years ago

        deleted by creator

        • @AgreeableLandscapeOP
          23 years ago

          Yeeah… But the people who had iPhones with Parler on them probably aren’t the best people either.

          • @Nevar
            3 years ago

            deleted by creator

            • @AgreeableLandscapeOP
              23 years ago

              on android it would just involve sideloading the apk

              It’s much harder on iOS and would require connecting your device to a developer account.

      • @k_o_t
        3 years ago

        deleted by creator

    • DessalinesA
      33 years ago

      That’s one of the most hilarious grifts I’ve ever heard of.

      But ya I think a couple of fox news talking heads were pushing it a few weeks back, because when I loaded up my app store it was the top trending app for a while.

  • @ProfessorYakkington
    43 years ago

    I think this is a good thing for society, right? On one hand , their fascist/racist/etc. speech is clearly causing serious problems. On the other hand, their speech wont go away but instead be driven to less and less public places – which prevents counter speech but also makes it harder to find and possibly radicalize people. But then again , counter speech doesn’t really seem to be working. In this particular case , I agree – parler needed to go but I am curious what people here think… does the precedent scare anyone? any concerns about what else could be banned going forward?

    • @lazlo_jamf
      63 years ago

      Counter speech requires orders of magnitude more effort to create, so the type of low effort posts that radicalize people will always win out among populations susceptible to radicalization. I think deplatforming bigots is completely justified but it is worrying that a handful of people get to control what the rest of us speak about. Decentralization is the obvious way forward because while bigots may keep their platform they can be shunned by other communities and it will be harder for them to radicalize people in communities who don’t want them because they will have smaller, more hands-on moderation teams and less profit-motive.

    • @RiotingPacifist
      43 years ago

      De-platforming, works to prevent recruitment and peel away those on the pipeline that haven’t eaten the whole pill yet.

      I think Mozilla’s suggestions

      • Reveal who is paying for advertisements, how much they are paying and who is being targeted.
      • Commit to meaningful transparency of platform algorithms so we know how and what content is being amplified, to whom, and the associated impact.
      • Turn on by default the tools to amplify factual voices over disinformation.
      • Work with independent researchers to facilitate in-depth studies of the platforms’ impact on people and our societies, and what we can do to improve things.

      Are similar, they can help peel away the un-pilled (by exposing them to facts and logic) and expose those behind this, which might even disillusion a few pilled fokes (e.g oh it turns out I’m not risking arrest for the poor and downtrodden, just for a bunch of business owners, who wouldn’t piss on me if I was on fire)

      However I don’t think anything is going to address the pilled, except removing their political base, which IMO can be done in part addressing the conditions in rural America, basically replacing FDRs new deal, that Nixon revoked. e.g https://berniesanders.com/issues/revitalizing-rural-america/

      I think without the political base they claim to represent’s support, they become just a small cult of whackjobs that can be more or less ignored.

      • @ProfessorYakkington
        23 years ago

        Yeah , here is hoping they turn into a small cult. I think so much about current events is concerning; however, the thing that gets me the most ‘freaked out’ is the over all trend. I think it is unlikely that “trumpism” will go away with the de platforming of him + some others + parlor – I hope I am wrong. When I look at the radicalization of the right (anecdotally) it seems to be trending ‘extremely’ vs. ‘moderately’. I already see people saying that the right is being silences – which feeds into their message of “poor us” the “liberal cartel” is censoring us, etc… so, I think the next 6 months - 1 year will be really telling. We will see if the systematic de-platforming of individuals promoting violence and conspiracy theories is effective at ‘calming’ things down and , ideally, preventing more violence. As I mentioned in my first post , I do think this is the right move – I am just not 100% it is going to play out the way I hope it does. @RiotingPacifist@lemmy.ml thanks for links – I don’t have time to watch the video now but I will check it out later tonight.

  • @lorabe
    23 years ago

    It might sound controversial, but the right wing deserves their own social network, and i think the actions of the widely known GAFAT are not something that we should mindlessly support, because the fact that their interests find coincidences with ANTIFA’s principles doesn’t mean they strive for human rights or that they care.

    Right wing politics deserve their own social media for several reasons, but not all of these are convenient for them. Donald Trump loved Twitter because it gave him a big platform where he could reach people outside of his bigoted and conservative politics. With a niche social network like Parler, you objectively only reach conservative minded people, and they are, at this moment, not the majority.

    This could be applied to the fediverse as well tho.

    • @AgreeableLandscapeOP
      93 years ago

      the right wing deserves their own social network

      Not if they use it to, for example, incite violence, which is the current issue with Parler.

    • @ssorbom
      33 years ago

      I agree. People are missing the bigger picture here: it only takes the cooperation of 5 or 6 ISPs to kill you. Piss them off and you are done. Could you imagine a world in which some religious nut jobs work their way up the ranks in places like Google and Facebook? There is already foreshadowing of this in places like China.

  • @nerdo
    3 years ago

    Removed by mod

    • @AgreeableLandscapeOP
      3 years ago

      A major political candidate gets blocked on all the major social platforms.

      He has his own publicity team and press. Am I supposed to sympathize?

      A social network which has rapidly become a viable competitor to Twitter gets shut the hell down without further explanations.

      Amazon, Apple and Google are private (as in non-government) companies. What happened to “we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone” that rightists like the authors of Parler keep spouting?

      Meanwhile, your politicians are putting together lists of people who have voted for the aforementioned candidate, threatening them with unemployment and persecution.

      Wut? They’re putting together lists of people who attempted a coup on the capitol, threatening them with unemployment and persecution.

      One of the most trending hashtags on Twitter becomes “#HangPence” - which definitely doesn’t sound hateful and bigoted, in the slightest.

      Source on anyone other than right wingers saying that? I’ve not seen reports of that.

      Millions of people who have come out to protest peacefully in front of the Capitol are now associated with ANTIFA’s

      FBI says otherwise: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/fbi-trump-riot-congress-antifa-b1784736.html