Oh boo hoo!

  • @ProfessorYakkington
    23 years ago

    Yeah , here is hoping they turn into a small cult. I think so much about current events is concerning; however, the thing that gets me the most ‘freaked out’ is the over all trend. I think it is unlikely that “trumpism” will go away with the de platforming of him + some others + parlor – I hope I am wrong. When I look at the radicalization of the right (anecdotally) it seems to be trending ‘extremely’ vs. ‘moderately’. I already see people saying that the right is being silences – which feeds into their message of “poor us” the “liberal cartel” is censoring us, etc… so, I think the next 6 months - 1 year will be really telling. We will see if the systematic de-platforming of individuals promoting violence and conspiracy theories is effective at ‘calming’ things down and , ideally, preventing more violence. As I mentioned in my first post , I do think this is the right move – I am just not 100% it is going to play out the way I hope it does. @RiotingPacifist@lemmy.ml thanks for links – I don’t have time to watch the video now but I will check it out later tonight.