• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    224 years ago

    That’s fantastic news! For those not in the loop Element is just rebranded Riot.im. We really need an open protocol for chat communication to become a standard. The fact that all the popular chat platforms are proprietary is a travesty.

    It’s especially painful nowadays where a lot of chat apps are implemented using Electron making them rather hefty in terms of resource usage. Having to run both Slack and Discord for example is pretty taxing. This problem wouldn’t exist using open protocols.

    • DessalinesOPA
      104 years ago

      The non-electron desktop apps for matrix currently are pretty dissapointing… but that can always improve. Nheko was the only one that I tried for a while that actually had working encryption, which is standard now… none of the other clients even support encryption.

      The mobile clients are really good tho, RiotX is probably going to get re-branded as element too, and its great.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        4 years ago

        Electron will also continue to improve a going forward I imagine. There isn’t any fundamental reason why it needs to be slow or bloated. One very positive aspect of Electron is in helping finally make Linux desktop a first class citizen. A lot of apps just wouldn’t exist on Linux without it. Being able to run stuff like Slack and Discord really helps since a lot of people are stuck having to use these apps. So, despite the issues I still support Electron approach overall.

        Also, don’t know if you’ve seen but stuff like Tauri looks really interesting as well. It’s a tiny footprint compared to Electron and uses Rust as the backend.

        And yeah, RiotX is excellent!

        • DessalinesOPA
          44 years ago

          Whoa never heard of Tauri, that looks pretty interesting. I’d also love to see more iced or relm apps, those are cross-platform rust GUI toolkits that could easily have all kinds of apps made for them.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
            44 years ago

            That is pretty nifty. I imagine web stack has a lot of appeal because a lot of people are already familiar with it, and you get a web UI for the app for free using it. It is nice to see more native toolkits being developed though.

        • @jwinnie
          24 years ago

          One very positive aspect of Electron is in helping finally make Linux desktop a first class citizen.

          I wonder why GTK+/Qt can’t do the same. Both of them are very capable cross-platform frameworks that support several languages.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
            14 years ago

            Electron still has the most each since you can use it for a web UI as well as mobile. I also suspect more people are familiar with web tech in general, and in my experience it tends to be easier to work with. The workflow can be quite nice as well. I find hotloading to be especially nice when working on UIs since you can get the app in a particular state and tweak it without having to rebuild the state each time. This talk is a good example.

        • @Lowey
          13 years ago

          Electron will be replaced by PWA in my opinion. Electron was always a hack.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
            23 years ago

            Yeah PWA is likely the way most apps are gonna end up being built going forward.

      • @GaussNoise
        44 years ago

        Fluffychat has working encryption too! It works on desktop and mobile with the desktop app being a snap. I think encryption was just made standard in March? So some apps and the SDKs they rely on have to catch up.

        • @LibertyBeta
          14 years ago

          First, nice Flutter app.

          Second, nice matrix app.

    • @visika
      34 years ago

      The bridges feature of Matrix servers is something interesting regarding that problem. I think it’s a wise move as it integrates in everyone’s life and lessens that sensation of fighting against the system.

      (I’m thinking about how I used Signal, where I have <10 contacts, hoping that it would replace WhatsApp. I can’t see that happening, everyone will use what they prefer.)

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        24 years ago

        Yeah, that looks very promising. It’s really great to see open source platforms starting to mature.

  • @SirLotsaLocks
    154 years ago

    aside from being an open alternative to slack, it’s also nice to see a European tech company in a sea of American and Chinese products and companies.

  • @Rumblestiltskin
    104 years ago

    I love the answers to the questions too! The interviewer is asking leading questions about a software cold war between USA and Europe and the interviewee redirects with the idea about open and free programs not linked to centralised systems.

  • Arden
    84 years ago

    Excellent news. I’m going to give the P2P Riot thing a go that was mentioned near the end of the article.

  • @nope
    84 years ago

    Considering that Element is called a “Slack-rival” here, does anyone know if there are currently any plans to add Slack-like threads to Element?

    • DessalinesOPA
      54 years ago

      In a big way, matrix already has threads, considering you can reply to any comment and you can expand the reply tree up. Its different than a tree view like this, because its a chat, but it works.

      It one of the reasons I hate discord, there are no replies. 2 hours late on a convo? Sorry, you’re out of luck. Whereas with matrix, just reply to that old message.

      But ya a lot of ppl are suggesting that they add separate “sub-rooms” like slack has. Although iirc, the slack view is not truly tree, since the other pane is just at a new depth of 1.

  • @marmulak
    4 years ago

    For anyone interested, I admin some Matrix rooms related to Lemmy communities I moderate or participate in, including: Iran, Tajikistan, Persian, Islam, and others. There is also Esperanto, though I do not admin that chat. They all can be found in the public room directory.

    Newcomers to Matrix/Element and old guys alike are welcome to come hang out. (If you prefer XMPP, we have that too, but I thought I’d mention our Matrix communities following the launch of shiny Element.;)

  • @oriond
    44 years ago

    I love Matrix (The protocol behind Element)

  • @Rumblestiltskin
    34 years ago

    What they need for small business to consider this is better out of the box integrations. The only decent one they have is Github. No other help desk or project management software that a small business may need. Things like Jira or Basecamp integration would be great.

  • Future Me
    4 years ago

    On the one hand, privacy is indeed valued in Germany (e.g. teachers are not allowed to use WhatsApp, due to GDPR&co). On the other hand, public technology projects often end as disaster, even more so if they deals with IT and the education system. I’m hoping the best for this one…

  • @federico3
    03 years ago

    Element sells an ultra-secure messaging system

    This is comically wrong.

  • @oriond
    04 years ago

    I remember someone complaining about the lack of segmentation, like the ability to create teams that can talk within the team but not talk to another team. For example in a company you may want the engineering team be able to talk and create rooms, but you want to prevent them from talking to the accounting team. Is that possible with Matrix/Element ?

    • DessalinesOPA
      34 years ago

      Yeah, you just make a room with only those members allowed invited.

      • @oriond
        14 years ago

        The problem with that is that nothing prevents the members of that room from making other rooms with members of other departments they should not be able to talk with… That is what I meant by Segmentation. and making one matrix installation per department with no federation would be overkill.

        • Maya
          64 years ago

          tbh I cannot imagine why you would want this in a company

  • @adam_
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator