• @nutomicA
    123 years ago

    The terrorist attacks are clearly bad, and nothing justifies that. But at the same time, “free speech” is not an excuse for being racist and hurting the feelings of hundreds of millions of muslims. Even worse that this is coming from a country which has colonised many Arabic countries, and murdered countless Muslims (especially in Africa).

    Here is the “satirical” Charlie Hebdo magazine, saying that a dead refugee baby would have grown up to be a rapist (wiki link for those who dont remember, nsfw pic)

    • @AgreeableLandscapeOP
      123 years ago

      I agree. Both terrorism and racism are unjustifiable. I don’t think they’re equally bad, but we shouldn’t have to accept one to condemn the other.

    • SnowCode
      13 years ago

      I live in Belgium and did not know about this difference between pushing diversity or assimilation. That’s sad…

  • @seven8nein
    33 years ago

    What is there to think? Violence is something that an immature child or medically unstable person resorts to.

    Pictures of whatever it may be, should not be taken offensively.

    • SnowCode
      23 years ago

      I understand your point but I don’t think we should think that EVERYBODY will. Some people are most sensible to some topics and we should care about that. Also, hiding racism behind “humor” is very disgusting.

      It’s like those people making a racist statement, if you react on the wrong way, they just tell you it’s a joke.

      I think it all depends on what the author has in its mind. If the humor is a reflection of what he think (and maybe don’t want to say it), it’s bad.

      But if it is to point out a problem by making it ridiculous, that’s OK. I think people can quickly spot the difference.

    • @ufrafecy
      3 years ago

      deleted by creator

  • @marmulak
    33 years ago

    Personally I think one tends to draw overly large conclusions from things like this. I don’t pretend that the situation isn’t complex, but in the case of this murder (which is criminal and unjustified), we’re talking about a small number of individuals involved in unusual circumstances that led to this. You couldn’t possibly take this story and then go on to draw conclusions about masses of people like “Muslims” or “French people”, and so on. I’ve seen in Muslim communities worldwide, people thousands of miles away in other countries fretting about the implications of what happened in France, but honestly I don’t see what it has to do with them at all.

    Somehow I feel all of this is ultimately some twisted, nasty result of colonialism. Should Muslims living in other parts of the world really care what someone in France does? Or about a cartoon? This is all about unequel power relationships.

  • Robot Unicorn
    13 years ago

    Charlie Hebdo was, and continues to be, a complete win for freedom of speech in Western democracies.

    Freedom of Speech means all speech, outside of that which constitutes slander, libel, or assault. You have the freedom to be offended by what someone says… but every other world religion has become tolerant towards those who lob insults at their faith, it is high time that the those who subscribe to Islam get with the 21st century and laugh a little.