I’m asking if there is a greatly moderated and curated Spotify-like Funkwhale instance, where only verified creators can upload songs, and with the respect of copyrighted content.

Why do I need one like this?

Because Spotify started to make my life harder, and they are not caring about me so much as well, only about my data. They block VPNs and stuff. I appreciate every help.

  • @relativecogniscience
    93 years ago

    i dislike Spotify’s monopolisation to such an extent that I spotify-dl’ed all my music and stopped my subscription.

    • m-p{3}
      103 years ago

      I listen to a bunch of indie bands, and I bought about everything on Bandcamp. It’s all stored on my NAS and I access it all through Plexamp.

  • @Openmastering
    53 years ago

    I agree, we need more curated music playlists. Bandcamp themselves do an amazing job at it

  • @greensand
    33 years ago

    last.fm did a better job and it was based on a similar concept, only less commercialized. It used to be quite popular in Europe, but quickly got overrun by Spotify, which really just sucks. A federated replacement is badly needed!