One that I’d like to see is a more in-depth sorting option for posts (allowing you to see for example top of December 2020, or top of a specific day). A custom date range selection would be best. I remember this being a frequently requested feature in the early days of reddit, and they never implemented it.

    • @soloOP
      63 years ago

      Yes, this is actually a super important feature. Extremely useful for communities like AskEurope. You’d have to state your country every time you answered a question were it not for country flairs.

  • Grace
    123 years ago

    Is there a wiki option? Reddit has that thing and while it isnt usually used places like r/sino have it and its some good stuff.

    • @nutomicMA
      103 years ago

      A federated wiki would be a huge amount of work, and I would prefer to leave that to another project, rather than making some half-assed version.

      • DessalinesA
        3 years ago

        Is the main point of the wiki’s on reddit just that they show revision history, and allow multiple people to edit them?

        I don’t even really know what they add.

        • @nutomicMA
          43 years ago

          Dont know, I never modded a sub or edited a wiki over there.

        • @AgreeableLandscape
          3 years ago

          The intent is to give subreddit mods a place to host information. A notable example leftists here might be familiar with is /r/Sino with its “debunking fake news about China” pages.

          It’s nice to have, but you can just as easily do the same with posts.

    • @SirLotsaLocks
      33 years ago

      Yeah this is a really nice feature on reddit that I’d love to see someday down the line

  • Halce
    103 years ago

    The ability to change Lemmy’s site theme (at least from light to dark), without the need to log-in could be cool.

    • DessalinesA
      103 years ago

      The default lemmy theme uses your browser / OS settings from prefers-color-scheme. Luckily a lot of browsers are starting to use this now.

  • riccardo
    103 years ago

    Filtering the frontpage’s posts to show just the content from the communities one moderates

  • @Danrobi
    63 years ago

    When I login it always brings me back to Expected behaviour = bring me back to where I was, in the community I was before login in.

  • @copacetic
    63 years ago

    A “hide” button to make submissions disappear from my frontpage even if the discussion goes on.

  • @abbenm
    63 years ago

    I would love to see a truly wild and rich variety of skins that are radically different. Different uses of spacing, color, ways of organizing sections.

    I feel like we lost that at some point - I remember winamp and windowblinds, and even just how custom web sites used to be. There’s so much potential available for so “cheap” that it could be a huge deal in terms of creating a flavor.

    • DessalinesA
      43 years ago

      There’s a theming guide in the docs, and any bootstrap v4 compatible theme will work. You can build one with

  • @yxzi
    43 years ago

    Mark as read so I stop seeing the same posts over n over again

  • Werwolf
    33 years ago

    This isn’t for Lemmy itself, but for it’s Android client Lemmur. It works great but it doesn’t open links in the browser. No matter what I do (I even tried tapping in the 3 points in the upper right corner and tapped “Open in browser” but nothing happens). This is really annoying.

    PS. It could be because I don’t have chrome installed, my default browser is Fennec F-Droid. Although every other app opens it correctly (eg Tusky or Infinity for Reddit)

    • riccardo
      113 years ago

      Can’t you already do that? As long as the instance federates with the one hosting your account, you can subscribe to its communities

      • @dragonX
        3 years ago

        deleted by creator

        • @nutomicMA
          43 years ago

          Any idea how? Local and remote communities are shown in the same way, and both have a subscribe button.

          • @zksmk
            3 years ago
            1. Adding a Federated tab on the front page, so it’s Subscribed/Local/Federated/All, would help.

            2. Allowing sorting communities on the communities page by subscribers/category/userspermonth/etc by clicking on the relevant column name and having one of the columns be “instance”, would help. Sort the instances automatically alphabetically or by total userspermonth or posts of all of its communities combined or whatever in the background.

            3. Adding the community@instance.tld and instance.tld/c/community search syntax.

            4. Adding a small “What is Lemmy and how does it work” tutorial link under the signup/login button. Could be just a “Help?” button. Leads to a simple page that explains the federation concept in layman terms. I prefer the simple “public email” comparison, most people seem to get that quickly.

            5. Maybe federated communities shouldn’t be shown the same way. Maybe they could have a small “federated” tag next to the name that stands out, in the default theme color scheme css this could be a green background on the “federated” text of the tag. It’s important users notice at a glance they can access federated communities from here on (or whatever instance they’re on).

            • @nutomicMA
              13 years ago

              Those sound like good ideas, would you mind opening issues for them in the lemmy-ui repo? Ideally a separate issue for each point.

              • @zksmk
                23 years ago

                Sure, will do (when I find some time).

              • @zksmk
                13 years ago

                Hey, I’ve opened separate issues for all of these on the repo, but Dessalines closed them all saying all these features already exist (even tho they don’t). Maybe I annoyed him somehow by not formatting something correct/not following some etiquette (it’s my first issue on GitHub) even tho I just filled in the templates. I did end up linking the issues by mentioning them in each other, I thought it would be helpful. Should I just leave this to up to you guys to resolve this internally?

                • DessalinesA
                  13 years ago

                  You need to open up individual issues, not 4 issues with identical text. And if you think something isn’t closed, then respond why.

          • @dragonX
            3 years ago

            deleted by creator

            • @nutomicMA
              43 years ago
              1. Yes, but its sorted by subscribers, and for remote communities we only know the number of subscribers from our instance, not the total number. So they will be shown far at the bottom. Actually this could be fixed as we send the subscriber count over activitypub, feel free to open an issue.
              2. No, runs an older version of Lemmy where federation isnt really working.
              3. Both communities will be completely separate.
              • @dragonX
                3 years ago

                deleted by creator

  • @mathias
    13 years ago

    I’m actually (probably stupid but) curious on what dictates something floating to the top. It doesn’t appear to be votes…? So what is it? Right now there are things with 5 votes above things with 25 and 40 votes. Why? Is there a time factor? Or last activity factor? I really am curious on how it works.

  • BEVL
    13 years ago

    I would like to see photo downloading implemented into the android client (the button is there as of now but it won’t let me download)

    • @AgreeableLandscape
      23 years ago

      You have to talk to the authors of the client you’re using, because Lemmy doesn’t have an official client.

  • @dragonX
    3 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • DessalinesA
      3 years ago

      I’m not sure I understand this one. I wouldn’t want to override your enter key. And markdown requires two spaces or two lines for line breaks.

      • @dragonX
        3 years ago

        deleted by creator

    • @AgreeableLandscape
      3 years ago

      This is a requirement for the Markdown format, which was originally designed for text files where some text editors might not handle text wrapping very well. We could add a WYSIWYG editor later on like the one the Reddit redesign has, but it’s not really a priority currently.

  • @cheer
    13 years ago

    It’d be nice to allow users to hide posts from certain instances while browsing all.