• @Kind_Stone@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    I wonder why Hitler never got his… Because, as we learn nowadays, he clearly deserved some international rewards for all the good deeds for the humanity he and his capitalist friendos committed.

  • ☭CommieWolf☆
    262 years ago

    If they can’t pick then I nominate Juan Guaidó to take the position of acting Nobel Peace Prize Winner for 2022.

  • @Mzuark@lemmygrad.ml
    222 years ago

    In addition to Zelensky’s many, many war crimes. Just today he called for NATO to nuke Russia first. So of course he’s gonna win.

    • Well Obama set the bar for peace prize very high with waging 5 wars. To top this one would have to either bomb the nobel comittee itself or maybe start nuclear armageddon idk.

  • @Shaggy0291@lemmygrad.ml
    182 years ago

    Stopped taking the Nobel peace prize ever since Obama won it by default, without even having taken office as president yet.

  • loathesome dongeater
    172 years ago

    Day by day my anger at the West just turns into bitter disappointment. Like what is this elaborate circus my friend?

      • @Aria@lemmygrad.ml
        92 years ago

        If people take it seriously after Obama winning, I really don’t think Zelenskyj is going to be a PR problem.

              • Seanchaí (she/her)
                62 years ago

                That really isn’t saying much. During his time as president they built the pentagon, made the atomic bomb, rounded up Asian people in concentration camps. In order to combat the depression his first New Deal included paying farmers to destroy crops and cull herds to raise the commodity price of food. People were starving while bourgeois land-owners were given money to destroy food.

                He signed the Atlantic Charter (which was a precursor to Anglo-American global hegemony), he was part of the Bretton Woods Conference (creating the IMF and the precursor to the World Bank).

                There’s just no such thing as a “good” american president because the whole nation is nothing more than a colonial imperialist project

              • Muad'Dibber
                32 years ago

                There’s a really good chapter on the new deal in the book Settlers, that’s worth reading. It certainly changed my perspective on it.

  • Ratette (she/her)
    122 years ago

    At the risk of making myself look like an idiot (lmao no risk really, i always do) who are the other two?

    • Seanchaí (she/her)
      2 years ago

      Zelensky, Navalny, and Tsikhanouskaya (Belarusian opposition).

      Basically, who is the biggest anti-Russia poster child

      Edit: it’s important to note that the Nobel Peace Prize has never been given for actual peacemakers really. And also that these aren’t like, nominees or anything, just CNN deciding to talk about how it might be them. It could be literally anyone else in the world too.

      • Ratette (she/her)
        122 years ago

        Ah onto onto, I didn’t know the bar to get a nobel peace prize was so low but fucking Obama got one didn’t he for all those middle eastern kids he freed from the horros of war (by blowing them up) so anything goes apparently.

        • Seanchaí (she/her)
          2 years ago

          Yeah the list of terrible Imperialist monsters given a “Peace Prize” is something else. They gave it to Teddy Roosevelt just a couple years after he cemented US rule of the Philippines and also made it law that America is allowed to “intervene in wrongdoings” in Latin America, the legacy of which has led to immeasurable exploitation and suffering to this day.

          They also gave it to George Marshall, the guy who invented the Marshall plan (the post-WW2 economic “recovery” plan whereby the US solidified its hold over western europe as anti-communist neo-colonies).

          There are more terrible recipients than people who did even a little good in the list lol. Lester B. Pearson? Gimme a break. Henry fucking Kissinger? He got it for Vietnam if you can believe that.

          Even the year they tried to give it to Anwar el-Sadat they gave it as a joint prize to Begin, a Zionist ultranationalist who got his start in a terrorist group in Mandatory Palestine, and who was PM during the Sabra and Shatila massacre.

          They did the same shit to Nelson Mandela, he shared it with de Klerk because heaven forbid it goes to someone who actually stood for liberation and peace. Give a cookie to the white man for not doing apartheid (on the books) anymore.

          Same with when Arafat got it, he split it with Zionists too.

          They gave it to the Dalai Lama in the late 80s, I’m pretty sure. I mean, yeah, that peaceful appeal to return to feudalistic slavery, very prize-worthy.

          They definitely gave it to Gorbachev following the anti-fascist protection rampart’s take-down.

          So it’s pretty clear it’s got shit all to do with peace, except the peace of mind these fuckwads give to imperialist oligarchs that their interests are secured.

        • From the top of my head: Wilson, Marshall, Kissinger, Teresa, wałęsa, Dalai Lama, Gorbachev, Carter. Hell, entire EU got one.

          Some recipients really did deserved it like MLK for example, but overall it’s like mixed barrel of honey, sawdust and shit.

      • Black AOC
        2 years ago

        Honestly, if anyone still thought the Nobel was about peace after the Drone King’s W, I’d have to ask them to link me up with their plug; 'cause they’re smoking better than what I can grow.

        Ignore that; Ratto already brought it up a full 45 before me lmao

    • Since you presumably didn’t help kill hundreds of thousands of civilians or fuel destabilisation and conflict in many regions, you’re already more qualified than two former winners.

  • @pgtl_10@lemmygrad.ml
    92 years ago

    Who are the other two?

    Isn’t the point of a peace prize is to give to those who actually advocate peace?