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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 28th, 2022


  • “Race” is a bullshit concept that has been inconsistent for as long as it’s existed. Nations and ethnicities, on the other hand, do exist, and they’re actually set in stuff that is real.

    Racialism is just bourgeois cosmopolitanism but in a cruder form— all the countless different tribes, ethnicities and nations of Africa and Oceania are not actually different peoples, they’re actually one “Black race”.

    All the different peoples in Eastern Asia are just “Yellow” or “Mongolic”.

    People from India, or the Middle East, or other parts of Asia, or Central and South Americans with darker complexions are not actually distinct peoples, they are one “Brown race”.

    Or even worse are the terms “POC” and “BIPOC” liberal sycophants and white saviors use to group over 4/5 of the world, groups that may barely be related, if at all, under one “non-white” “race”.

    And most importantly, there are two “White” races, the Europeans that the dominant powers like and the bad Europeans (this today is most evident in how the West is claiming Ukraine as one of them, while claiming its sibling nation of Russia are not Europeans but actually a bunch of “Asiatics” and “orcs”)

  • I don’t like to think of them as New Year’s resolutions per se because of that cliché that not many people actually keep them, but I want to start eating better, like either cooking at home or trying to cut back on just eating junk food all the time.

    I also want to become more physically active and fit. Recently, I’ve been going cycling and it feels great. I also like going to the gym, but I’m not consistent with it, and I get frustrated when I can’t do a particular exercise right. And besides those things, I’ve also tried to make a habit of stretching in the morning and throughout the day to improve my flexibility.

    Another thing I really want to do is get back into art— I had such a passion for it almost all my life, but ever since high school where I fell into a feeling of depression that I’m still stuck in, I’ve lost all creativity and will to draw. I also want to find ways to spend my time other than mindlessly scrolling on my phone for hours, like maybe reading or going out more (which is hard since I got into a car crash a few weeks back).

    I also need to figure out what I want to major in and ideally, where I’ll continue my education after graduating and getting my Associate of Science— I know that I have a passion for the sciences, but I just don’t know what specifically I want to study. I’ve heard that there are things like double majors and also minors.

    Most of all, I want to get myself out of that aforementioned negative headspace I’ve been in since high school. I feel like the things that’ve gone wrong in my life amalgamated into a persistent feeling of depression and it’s affecting many aspects of my life. I don’t even know why it’s there— my dad doesn’t treat me like shit anymore and he’s even apologized for it, I’ve (for the most part) cut off the toxicity of social media from my life, I’m not a kid in grade school with little friends getting picked on anymore, I’ve done a lot to improve my appearance, I have a great job, I’m among the first in my family to go to college, so I don’t even fucking know…

    I think a big part of it is that I’m so lonely compared to back in school, when no matter how much shit sucked, I at least had friends and acquaintances.

  • This is why I say that contemporary white nationalism is a reaction to their own fuck-ups.

    The logical conclusion of a European elite that desired to conquer as much of the world as possible was a globalist (to use their own words), cosmopolitan oligarchy.

    The logical conclusion of wanting to force their culture, manners, religion, and mentality onto the rest of the world, to bring as many different lands under one government, was “multiculturalism”.

    The logical conclusion of Western imperialist greed and avarice, of continuous sacrifice to their god Mammon (capital and the market, which demand infinite growth) at any cost, was a “decadent” society, of individualism, of the deterioration of “tradition” or whatever.

    In places like post-bellum America or apartheid South Africa, they imposed segregation after slavery became obsolete, and the colonizers had already profited, and this is what contemporary fascists want, but on a global scale.

    Their countries profited handsomely from exploitation of the Second and Third Worlds, and now that they don’t need the non-white laborers, they want to either get rid of them, or to segregate them. This is why contemporary white supremacists either envision the future as culminating in a race war or in some sort of global apartheid.

  • The arguments against all the other quadrants aren’t wrong, but everything against “AuthLeft” is such bullshit. Literally what is “anti-semitic” about Marxism?

    “It was real communism”, no one except western imperialist “leftists” say it wasn’t.

    I agree fully that 20th century socialism was real, and while flawed, it was a net positive for the world. When the Eastern Bloc collapsed, the masses were robbed of their future by neoliberal kleptos and technocrats.

  • I have this exact problem, too. It started with encountering provocative ads when I was just using my tablet when I was 12, then it devolved into looking up pictures of models, and finally, a porn addiction which led me to a place I really did not like being in.

    For a time, I was able to get off of it, but then I relapsed after convincing myself that it was “normal” or whatever, and that as long as I just stuck to more vanilla content or drawings that I was okay (even then, I would still occasionally look at questionable shit).

    No matter how much I try to restrain that urge, be it by looking at tamer content or by trying to watch porn less frequently, I always feel like shit when I do it, and more often than not I don’t even feel satisfied— this is probably TMI, but I’ve noticed that I have a much better time using my imagination or just skipping porn altogether.

    Anyway, start by avoiding shame— shame only leads you to a cycle of watching porn, beating yourself up over it, then watching it again because you’ve convinced yourself that you’re a bad person and that this is what you just do.

    If you should feel anything negative, it should be guilt— acknowledge that it isn’t a healthy or moral habit, and strive to quit it, even if you have to do it gradually and experience setbacks.

    Also, ask yourself why you have this habit to begin with— for me, it developed from being sexually repressed, frustrated, and lonely. From there, try to find a way to fulfill that need or want in a healthier, more positive way.

    Idk what else to add, as this is a problem I myself am addressing.

  • Exactly, western “environmentalism” is nothing more than them telling everyone else “fuck you, I got mine.”

    They had their industrialization and wreaked havoc on the Earth with their consumerism and imperialism, and now they don’t want to face the consequences, so they’re trying to pin it on the rest of the world.

    Even within the West, the narrative is always “normal people should live in pods, give up all their luxuries, eat bugs, and have less kids” and never “let’s do something about those billionaires and corporations who are the biggest polluters, emitting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than entire countries.”

    The western imperialist bourgeoisie want reduction in population and living standards so badly? Why don’t they lead by example?

  • Third one with a similar story here. My parents each immigrated to the U.S. when they were young, and they met here.

    They had me when they were I believe 18 and 19, and they didn’t exactly live a life of luxury.

    Looking back, I realized this, but I also realized that even before my parents got good-paying jobs and before we were able to move to a nicer apartment and be able to afford more commodities and luxuries, I never felt like I lacked anything in terms of material possessions or needs.

    While I think they, especially my dad, could’ve done a better job emotionally/psychologically, I’ll give them that they always did their absolute best to make sure my brother and I had everything we needed, or even wanted.

  • In my baby socialist phase, I still also opposed the DPRK, then some soon-to-be-comrades in SLS showed me some material that made me realize just how much bullshit the West says about this country.

    One of the first things I learned was that the DPRK was not some textbook military/personalist dictatorship, but that it was actually a democratic society, and that the power of the Kim family is massively exaggerated, and I also learned about all the atrocities Occupied Korea and the U.S. committed against the Northerners.

    When I think about it, it’s sad how we’re programmed to have such a visceral hatred and aversion to a small country that literally just minds its own business all because they dared to survive after the U.S. tried to wipe it off the face of the Earth.