At a loss for words really

  • Sr Estegosaurio
    2 years ago

    I’m still amazed at the fact that some people still belive that different human races even exist. It makes racism even more pointless, if possible.

    And yeah, discriminating human beings just because you fell like doing so it’s plainly sad. But I belive that everyone here already knows that.

      2 years ago

      “Race” is a bullshit concept that has been inconsistent for as long as it’s existed. Nations and ethnicities, on the other hand, do exist, and they’re actually set in stuff that is real.

      Racialism is just bourgeois cosmopolitanism but in a cruder form— all the countless different tribes, ethnicities and nations of Africa and Oceania are not actually different peoples, they’re actually one “Black race”.

      All the different peoples in Eastern Asia are just “Yellow” or “Mongolic”.

      People from India, or the Middle East, or other parts of Asia, or Central and South Americans with darker complexions are not actually distinct peoples, they are one “Brown race”.

      Or even worse are the terms “POC” and “BIPOC” liberal sycophants and white saviors use to group over 4/5 of the world, groups that may barely be related, if at all, under one “non-white” “race”.

      And most importantly, there are two “White” races, the Europeans that the dominant powers like and the bad Europeans (this today is most evident in how the West is claiming Ukraine as one of them, while claiming its sibling nation of Russia are not Europeans but actually a bunch of “Asiatics” and “orcs”)