• QuentinCallaghan
    74 years ago

    If I had the resources for hosting and a good community already, I would probably create a Finnish Lemmy instance.

  • @gix
    54 years ago

    I just started an instance a few days ago (gix.uk). There’s nothing there right now, and I’m not sure exactly what, if anything, I’ll do with it. I figure I’ll probably keep it going at least until federation goes live, and make a decision based on whether or not there’s actually any content there by that point, and whether enabling federation causes any loss of local content, or just makes it available to other instances in the same way that Peertube etc does.

    Unfortunately, image upload doesn’t work right now because I use traefik rather than nginx as a reverse proxy. I may try to fix it and possibly submit a PR for it, but I suspect it’s not going to be a simple job and could well be beyond my abilities.

    • @nutomicA
      54 years ago

      Cool, you are probably the first person other than us devs to run an instance :)

      For image uploads, I am working on a solution here but am stuck with it. Alternatively you can change your traefik config based on the nginx config, so that requests to /pictshare are forwarded to That should be easy if you know how traefik config works (I dont).

      • @gix
        4 years ago

        I’m looking at a couple of options, either using traefik configuration directly or adding in an nginx container to handle the path based routing and leaving traefik to just deal with SSL.

        Where does the image upload feature try to get to - port 8537 or /pictshare?

        • @nutomicA
          34 years ago

          The frontend sends those requests to :443/pictshare, and on the server those requests are forwarded to the other Docker container on port 8537.

          • @gix
            4 years ago

            I’ve now got it working. For reference, below is my docker-compose with the traefik labels for each:

                image: dessalines/lemmy:v0.6.17
                container_name: lemmy
                  - ./lemmy.hjson:/config/config.hjson:ro
                  - "traefik.enable=true"
                  - "traefik.frontend.rule=Host:gix.uk"
                  - "traefik.port=8536"
                image: hascheksolutions/pictshare:latest
                container_name: pictshare
                  - /data/pictshare/data:/usr/share/nginx/html/data
                  - "traefik.enable=true"
                  - "traefik.api.frontend.rule=Host:gix.uk;PathPrefixStrip:/pictshare"
                  - "traefik.port=80"
            • @nutomicA
              24 years ago

              Cool! I dont understand how it uses https seeing as you put port 80, but I guess thats handled by the traefik config. Do you want to open a PR with this?

              • @gix
                24 years ago

                Slight typo on my end there - the port refers to the back end docker container, so it’s 8536 for lemmy, 80 for pictshare.

                I’d be happy to open a PR for it, but without existing config for either nginx or traefik in the standard docker-compose, I wonder if it would be better just to be included in the documentation somewhere?

  • @KitaitiMakoto
    4 years ago

    I will run my own instance and federate with other instances, at least, at first because I’m interested in what will happen to federated link aggregators. But, I’m not sure to keep it running.

  • @gregf
    44 years ago

    I plan on hosting my own

  • @ajz
    2 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • @nutomicA
      54 years ago

      Lemmy has barely any resource usage, the server is extremely efficient thanks to Rust. Deployment is also pretty easy with Ansible + Docker.

      • @AgreeableLandscapeOP
        4 years ago

        I’m pretty sure the compiled binary is smaller than many (maybe even most) Android apps. Mad props!

        • @nutomicA
          44 years ago

          That’s probably not a completely fair comparison because Android apps include a lot more media. And removing dead code from libraries is kind of complicated, while Rust does that by default.

          • @AgreeableLandscapeOP
            34 years ago

            Fair enough. Still, the fact that a complicated web app can fit in a single executable is pretty impressive.

      • @Rumblestiltskin
        14 years ago

        I assume bandwidth usage will increase with Federation and also larger requests for data would be more frequent?

        • @nutomicA
          14 years ago

          Theres gonna be some bandwidth usage for images, but unless you have a huge instance, it will be effectively zero. I wouldnt even care about that because you’re not gonna run into any limits with your vps if you get something reasonably cheap.

    • @wraptile
      64 years ago

      Federation is a decetralized service concept where no single server owns the ecosystem but many servers can host and communicate content. See Mastodon for prime federation examples - there are many mastodon servers and it doesn’t really matter on which one are you as you can access the same content with few exceptions (banned servers, private messages etc.)

  • @stevo
    24 years ago

    I would really like to read reddit user content on a lemmy instance. I doubt that the main instance will have that available so I would have to use another instance or create my own. Have not thought much about how it would be implemented.

    • @dirtfindr
      24 years ago

      This community is for posts that have been censored on Reddit => https://lemmy.ml/c/censorship_reddit

      For uncensored content, indeed it would make sense to create your own lemmy instance and have a bot feed it the subs you’re interested in. The interesting question is what happens with naming collisions? If you were to harvest /r/privacy and populate your own /c/privacy, what happens when your instance connects to lemmy.ml/c/privacy? I have no idea how the Lemmy network sorts out which moderator wins control in that case.

      • @stevo
        34 years ago

        I think that I would have a bot populate reddit content on my own instance in those interested subreddits/communities. I would just have to make the proper link saying /r/privacy content goes to /c/privacy. Cloned reddit content (the article & comments) on the lemmy instance would be tagged as a reddit clone, so it could be filtered out if desired. The bot would create new community posts or append comments to existing posts in the lemmy instance. The easiest thing is to let the reddit content be moderated by both reddit (first) and the cloned content ultimately by lemmy. Deleted reddit content/comments could stay visible or be hidden depending on the user or the communities preferences.

        • @nutomicA
          24 years ago

          The problem with automatic mirroring from a site as big as Reddit is that it will completely drown out any original content on Lemmy. So we couldnt enable federation with your mirror instance for that reason.

          Another thing is that Lemmy will most likely break in various ways if you try to add that much data.

        • @dirtfindr
          14 years ago

          One of the most destructive practices on Reddit is shadow banning amid chronic censorship. It makes the platform worse than useless because the deception of shadow banning enables the waste of human energy to proliferate beyond the victim’s awareness. If your mirroring function is capable of tracking the visibility of Reddit posts continuously, you could implement it in a way that informs authors when their post is censored. It could even be flagged in your system so all Redditors could judge the sensibility of a moderator before joining a group.

      • @nutomicA
        14 years ago

        That is something we will have to figure out when we implement federation. There are a couple of options how to handle communities with the same name, but I’m not sure which one would be best.