• @lssssj
    432 years ago

    Democracy is when the least disliked guy wins.

  • Macron probably still wins in the end, the second round was designed to destroy any non-status-quo candidate and has been heralded as Pen’s doom. Honestly would put money on Macron’s victory.

      • @Armand_Raynal
        132 years ago

        That’s how it happens basically every time le pen gets to the second turn, it’s like the 4th it happens … Now in the following weeks the media are going to remind people le pen is a fascist so they have no choice, they have been cornered into the neoshitlib.

        I don’t understand how they voted so much for macron. I don’t watch french media anymore but I guess the amount of propaganda must have been crazy … or it’s straight up falsified. Wouldn’t surprise me.

  • @hanabatake
    292 years ago

    What does it mean for the world ? Nothing yet. The two candidates that were expected have the lead.

    What does it mean for France ? A lot.

    First, the traditional party got replaced. The socialist party is dead. The communist party is also dead. But what is new is the right-wing party “Les Républicains” is dying. The results of the election is an humiliation for them. Last time, they got 20% even if their candidate was totally corrupted !

    The campaigns get refunded when a candidate reach 5%. So, candidates that fail to make 5% when they thought they would are in big troubles. Pécresse has 5 Mio € in personal debt that the party cannot refund ! It is hard to know what will happen for them. But it look like the party will collapse. The ecologists hoped to replace the socialists but they failed. They also thought they would be above 5%, they were not. They have 2 Mio € in debt that they need to get refunded by a crowd-funding.

    The result of Jean-Luc Mélenchon is very good. It is 4% above the highest opinion polling. The “left” supporter in France expressed their will of a strong left party and NOT a liberal one. Maybe this time, they will succeed to create a big left party. Mélenchon is not a liberal neither is he a communist. Short term, the defeat of Mélenchon is bad news but the perspectives are good.

    The last good news is the failure of Zemmour. He may seem to be the same as Le Pen from the outside of the country, but he is really racists and do not care about democracy. Whereas, Marine Le Pen is just an other corrupted right-wing politician. She expelled a lot of racists, fascists and nazis from her party… So much in fact that Zemmour created his movement. She also told to the Minister of the Interior that he was islamophobic during a debate. She also is in favor of more democracy with the “citizens’ initiative referendum” for example. She sucks but at least she do not want to deport immigrants because of islamophobia.

    Bad news is the second turn sucks. Macron will likely get re-elected but this time it is not won before the second turn. People might change their minds. Macron got so many votes because the 60y.o+ voted massively for him. It is hard to know what will happen in 5 years.

    I feel that this entire post is against the rule “No being an electorialist or a lib”. Let me know if it is the case.

    • @aworldtowin
      142 years ago

      This type of input is really valuable imo

    • @Leninismydad@lemmygrad.ml
      132 years ago

      I think discussing elections and their ramifications, or even talking about candidates is fine, as long as you aren’t advocating for electoral liberal democracy as a genuine method for effecting socialist/revolutionary change. I may be wrong, but this comment is incredibly informative.

    • @ChasingGlowies@lemmygrad.mlOP
      42 years ago

      Thanks for the incredibly detailed response! Glad you risked breaking a rule but you’re not trying to promote any reactionary viewpoint, just laying out the facts so I don’t think you did.

      • @Leninismydad@lemmygrad.ml
        82 years ago


        Wants a 100% tax in all income over 360,000€



        critical of EU and the UN

        Supports the “créolisation” of France and the world bringing together people from all cultures and beliefs and languages and uniting them through cooperation and collaboration

        Wants to create a 6th republic in France, basically rewriting the constitution to weed out neoliberalism and the reliance in financial companies

        Called out Germany a lot for being a farce of a country

        Loosly supported The Russian intervention in Syria and opposed Turkey and their involvement with the Kurds and Syrians

        Considers himself an eco-socialist and relates a lot ot post-marxism philosophy, could imagine him being friends with Slavoj Zizek

  • @KommandoGZD@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Not that up to date with Fr*nch politics - is Le Pen as Pro-Russian and critical of NATO as many right-wingers in Europe?

    If so that’s a pretty big slap in the face of Anti-Russian warmongers in Europe. A combined 43% between Le Pen and Melechon, who is very critical of Nato and the EU, says a lot about the popularity of current neolib European politics.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer
      242 years ago

      western media is fear-mongering that Le Pen is friends with Putin, but I don’t know if any of these claims are sourced, or just smearing. If it’s true, I still wouldn’t cheer for her, seeing as she’s an unabashed fascist, but a victory for her would still be a big blow to NATO’s resolve.

      • @KommandoGZD@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        I still wouldn’t cheer for her, seeing as she’s an unabashed fascist, but a victory for her would still be a big blow to NATO’s resolve.

        Oh hell yeah, absolutely now way any comrade should cheer for her. Still a pretty big sign that current Nato and Eu policy are extremely unpopular with very large parts of the population, which is honestly staggering considering the enormous propaganda effort currently. All this fear and warmongering should realistically make Western leaders more popular, but we aren’t seeing that at all. That is a glimmer of hope, but ofc still wouldn’t make a president Le Pen desirable at all.

        Edit: 23% Le Pen vs 20% Melechon. France coming that close to being based is both awesome and sad.

        • @guojing
          112 years ago

          The most important task for Europeans right now is to break up the EU and NATO. Doesnt make any difference whether that is initiated by Le Pen or Melechon.

          • @hkto@lemmygrad.ml
            22 years ago

            (UK perspective)

            Two thirds of people under 50 voted for Labour under Jeremy Corbyn. The future is bright, bright red. Throughout Europe and beyond.

        • @hkto@lemmygrad.ml
          22 years ago

          France has never had a communist revolution: the revolution of 1789 amounted to the bourgeoisie overthrowing the feudal order.

          Sorry to be a killjoy. There’s good reading to be had in this by Eric Hobsbawm if memory serves.

            • @hkto@lemmygrad.ml
              22 years ago

              I’m not sure it counts. It was certainly a good case study for Marx, but fundamentallyiim going to say it doesn’t count because it only lasted for a month or two. Maybe that’s too arbitrary.

              • Catradora-Stalinism☭M
                12 years ago

                hmmm, I guess thats true. I think it was close enough to being a socialist state, if it wasn’t a factionalized mess.

  • @ZhuGweilo@lemmygrad.ml
    232 years ago

    If Le Pen wins that would be the end of € since she focus on leaving the Eu. Put french interests first and most likely remove any illegal refugees.