Cult survivor. Against most forms of religions, specially anti-scientist ones such as all Abrahamism, and will always explain why. I will never stop demonstrating that religion is reactionary, including your own beliefs. Dialectical Materialism is a must in Socialism that cannot be forgotten.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • I don’t care about people believing something, it’s the belief itself I may have or not a problem, specially if I’m de facto condemned to eternal torture just for not believing, but individuals are individuals, they are people, they have needs, they have feelings, life, aspirations, fears, pain, joy, can’t hate people nor anybody unless it actively attacks me, specially just because being born in the wrong family.

    Sorry for the wall text, just wanted to share personal context, bro.

  • I was making a walltext, but because my phone is garbage, and can’t do a swift job regarding copy pasting from different sources, so I will first say the first short part, and do the fat one in some note or something that doesn’t dissappear because of not enough data…


    The Hebrew supremacy is not something that was born during the Roman Empire, its something the Old Testament is filled with, to the point that there’s even today in some Judaist sects, the celebration of the Amalekite genocide (which could have been pretty fictional, but still not so wholesome, frankly). The OT is filled with promises of conquest and of enslavement of the rest of the world from the Israelites, either from Elohist (older) sources and from Yahwehist sources. Now I’m going to do the collage work wherever I can.

  • Jesus was an eschatological prophet-avatar that announced the comming of the end of the world to achieve world dominance/paradise, while portraying non Jewish as worthless dogs and generally bad people. Also, its teachings were mostly, if not all, towards Jewish, being himself the guru of hos own cult following, and, here we come, demanded that the followers pray for this end of the world massacre where only few (of course of his own race) will be saved. Something that is still present in the Gospels and the NT in general.

  • I have to plant the seed of counter propaganda, comrade. This myth of portraying Jesus, a character who was condoning racism, tribalism, pseudoscience, theocracism, inmovility, etc, as some sort of socialist caring bear makes good to no one except for religious institutions, who have enormous material and social benefits from it.

    Kind of like making memes with Churchill as a good guy and Stalin as worse than Hitler thing.

  • I mean, the meme wasn’t talking about historical Jesus, but if you wanna put it this way…

    While we don’t have any writings nor direct testimonies of a historical Jesus, if he was real at all, what original Christians were, was an escatohological (apocaliptic) sect very into interpreting Judaist texts and sort of a mix between Amish, Jehovah’s Witnesses and those not so known Christian cults from Russia from the pre Soviet / Tzarist times. Basically, “the end is near” + tribalism + persecution complex to the point of asking Roman judges to be executed so they could be martyrs.

  • No… Wtf? I mean, yeah, the Gospels contradict each other, and stuff, but depending on the sect and in general therms, Jesus was never a normal man, only in the most gnostic of the gospels, Mark, which is the first one (historically) may interpret this thing, but the religious consensus is that Jesus is divine, not just a prophet like Moses, even if Jesus said that if Moses wasn’t real, he was for nothing. Spoiler:Moses never existed.

  • This dude confused the Bible with Marxist Theory, I guess.

    It’s funny how the reinforcement of the Christian family values are actually made to divide and not unite, in power structures based in militaryesque authority, and it’s designed to not have external support, so it’s easier to create outcasts once a family member is expelled.

    And on the other side of their ideology, their peak figure of authority and “love” and “eternal truth” literally says to precisely abandon their own family and hate them if they don’t join its cult.

    Meanwhile, this people with contradictory beliefs, thinking about tautologies and at the same time individualism, can’t grasp how we actually want to give individuals and society as a whole, complete emancipation from structures of power which only use tradition as an argument to maintain at all costs without even grasping a single bit of notion of contextual situations regarding both familial cores and individuals themselves, about how impactful it is to be forced to be tied in a family of people that basically consumes your mental health until you become a basically walking sack of issues, and how harmful it is to the society, and even how expensive.

    How can’t they grasp that WE are ones working for freedom, even for the individuals? How can this be this hard?