• @nutomicA
    44 years ago

    Java, kotlin, python, rust are the ones i’m familiar with.

    I’ve also used a lot of other languages one time or another, eg during university.

    • @wraptile
      34 years ago

      That’s a great set! What’s your opinion on Kotlin, do you find it a complete replacement for Java where’s possible?

      • @nutomicA
        24 years ago

        I used it on Android, and its much better than the old Java version thats available there. It can do everything that Java can and is fully compatible, so there is no reason to stay with Java (other than the effort of converting code).

  • @wraptile
    34 years ago

    Define know

    I can read and somewhat understand many for minor contributions but I can only program at professional level with python. This language kinda ruined me, everytime I pick up something else to learn I just feel like “ugh this would be so much easier and more fun in python”.

    I’ve learned lots of Java and C++ during college years but everything has evaporated from my head already.

    I’d love to learn more about Rust and Nim languages though but I already have more than enough on my hands with Python alone.

  • @AgreeableLandscapeOP
    4 years ago

    Python, JavaScript, and Kotlin.

    To a lesser degree: PHP, Java, TypeScript, Bash.

  • riccardo
    4 years ago

    Not a developer. I’ve learned C and Python for didactic purposes, and I’m using Python almost daily to build some tools that help me with stuff (for work but also for private use). I have to admit I almost never use C but it comes in handy when I have to write Python packages that need to be faster than what they would be if written in pure Python. Now that I think about it is the only practical way I’ve ever used C for.

    Now I’m trying to get into Kotlin/Java because I want to learn Android development and I want to contribute to some projects - but I will probably drop it in favor of JS, as learning to build simple webapps I can use from desktop will probably be much more useful to me

  • @gregf
    14 years ago

    Basic, Turbo Pascal, Ruby, Python, PHP, Go, Rust, and probably a few others I half know.

  • DessalinesA
    14 years ago

    Java, Typescript, javascript, Rust, Ruby, sql. Did a smattering of others like Fortran, C, Pascal, basic, for school or work.

    Overall tho frameworks now are as big as some languages themselves. Someone who fully knows GTK or QT probably knows a lot more than I do about front end.

  • @alexbuzzbee
    14 years ago

    Rust, Python, C, Lua, Unix shell if you count it, MS PowerShell + C# for work stuff, technically C++ but only the really old style (“C with classes”), and I also know a couple of BASICs for unclear reasons.

    I don’t prefer to use them, but I also know TypeScript/JavaScript and PHP.

    I took a computer science class and discovered to my surprise that I had accidentally learned Java by inference from the others.