r/place is by its mechanisms an incentivization of terminally online behaviour. To really get shit done an entire community must be glued to one app every five minutes.

So I ask, with the growing communist movement, how are we being beaten out on r/place? It’s a mixture of heavy red scare tactics, timing (r/place starts back up after removing its largest ML community? Sussy), and the communist movement’s roots in REALITY.

As much as it would be cool to get some ML shit into digital history with this iteration of r/place, our lack of representation is not a negative, but a positive, showing that a majority of our actors are NOT terminally online.

Of course anarchists, radlibs, and fascists, have the strongest grip on r/place, they don’t have a life. As the western ML movement grows, so does the ultra left and reactionary right, but our ratio of activist to armchair revolutionary (at least in this sample size) is very promising.

So, in essence, fuck r/place, our lack of representation is for the better, as we can get a grip on the REAL WORLD better as these chuds place pixels into swastikas.

  • @Kind_Stone@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    …yeeeeeah, honestly I don’t understand why people of our group are especially so agitated with all that. While it’s interesting to look at it and see what fills heads of Reddit warriors nowadays it’s obviously a waste of time to bother and participate in it.

    We’re smaller in numbers and we have more important shitt to attend to. This stuff is way beyond innocent shitposting and actually eats up way too much time and energy. Fuck it.

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    232 years ago

    It’s literally making me want to delete Reddit forever. First GenZedong was struck down, then the fuckin r/place made it intolerable due to the liberal brainrot, lemmygrad is the only thing I’m using now. Ever since GenZedong fell, every leftist sub has been bombarded by liberal dipshits that try to argue about Ukraine and they ignore what happened in Donbass everytime

    • @Mana@lemmygrad.ml
      62 years ago

      what lemmy feeds do you reccomend. I’m only subbed to GenZedong and I can burn through the new posts for the day in like 10min as it looks like everybody is still on Reddit.

      • @nour@lemmygrad.ml
        52 years ago

        I’d recommend to select “All”, or “Local” (rather than “Subscribed”) and sort by “New”. When you see an interesting community, subscribe to it.

        Otherwise, there’s a list of communities, you can browse it and subscribe to everything that interests you: https://lemmygrad.ml/communities

        It may be true that by amount of posts, this place is less active than Reddit. But maybe that’s not a bad thing, you get more time to focus on more important things than the online…

  • @Rafael_Luisi@lemmygrad.ml
    232 years ago

    I second this, im just tired of seeing so many posts about another stupid reddit sub on the last days, i dont even know why tf that sub exists, the name doesnt makes sense, and all of the stuff there is a bunch of shitty digital drawings pilled up on each other. Its just so random…

  • @CoinOperatedBoi
    222 years ago

    People organize around this. They have meetings and approve templates and define borders and make alliances. It’s mock war. Meanwhile, ask them to simply replicate this behavior irl for the good of their communities and you usually get radio silence. Like a gamer who wants to keep “politics” out of their escapist hobby

    • Muad'Dibber
      42 years ago

      That’s incredibly depressing and sad. Why don’t these people go outside.

  • Makan ☭ CPUSA
    222 years ago

    Yeah, it’s dumb, and I don’t like how it activates addictive behavior, especially as someone with OCD.

    • Yiazmat
      142 years ago

      I didn’t participate in the first one, this time I dropped one pixel trying to help draw the hammer & sickle and it was immediately changed by someone else so I was like whatever this is stupid. 5 minutes later I get an alert on my phone from the reddit app: “Hey you can drop another pixel!!” fuck off

  • @biohazardous@lemmygrad.ml
    212 years ago

    Most marxists are in countries where not a lot of people care about reddit or even speak english. Even in Europe, where a lot of people look towards America, those of us who both are M-L and at the same time speak English and are interested in anglo internet are very very few.

  • loathesome dongeater
    152 years ago

    I don’t think it’s about which ideology is more predisposed to being terminally online but which one is dominant. Liberalism is the dominant ideology among reddit users so /r/place turns out to be liberalism.png.

  • @KommandoGZD@lemmygrad.ml
    132 years ago

    Don’t care about /place at all, I agree it’s mostly to glue people to their screens, but people are also unnecessarily hostile towards those that do have some fun with this. You don’t need to never have fun and stop engaging with harmless normal ass stuff like this to be a comrade.

  • @RocketLauncher@lemmygrad.ml
    72 years ago

    It’s literally impossible for me to put a single pixel down with good intention or “evil” intention (I.e. putting my acestral country’s flag on it even though everyone hates us)

    • Amicese
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

  • Lenins2ndCat
    -32 years ago

    It wouldn’t be hard to get a hammer and sickle on there. Just get Hasan to do it. A streamer with tens of thousands of people in the audience all doing something at the same time can get it done in 5 minutes.