Just a public service announcement.

  • @Defcon1
    -284 years ago

    Too much politics for an open source project in my opinion

          • SnowCode
            54 years ago

            Really, where they all high when they written such things? I will loose faith in humanity.

              • SnowCode
                24 years ago

                They are against diversity in a lot of comments because they prefer meritocracy. But open-source byitself is the definition of diversity.

                Do those people are doing job interviews to every single person who is posting an issue or a pull request on their project to be sure that the person is good enough for them to accept a pull request from?

      • @Defcon1
        -94 years ago

        I have an opinion but this is not connected with my political view in any way, at least for me. I’m gonna say that’s the problem with FOSS

          • @canteen
            14 years ago

            all coercive and unjust forms of hierarchy should be dismantled

            I found it a bit hilarious that the comment just above this one (in another comment chain) is removed by mod and the user was banned. Is using moderators on Lemmy a just hierarchy, I wonder :P

            I understand why you cannot go “100% Free Speech Allowed” (and Contrapoints once made the best argument I’ve seen for why this is, but I found the contrast quite funny.

              • @canteen
                4 years ago

                Well, allow me to RP Socrates for a moment and ask: What IS a “coercive and unjust” hierarchy? Too often, I’ve found people to be imagining those words to mean wildly different things. And obviously, if people can’t agree on what it means to be a “coercive and unjust hierarchy” then it becomes way harder to know whether you are fighting them.

                (no, I’m not a fascist apologist. Fuck fascists. I’m just concerned about mob psychology sometimes taking on a life of its own, especially when it is fighting for a “just cause”)

    • @pistachio
      4 years ago

      that’s very little politics, they’re banning one single political ideology. And fascism is an ideology that’s fundamentally incompatible with the concept of human rights, whose need of respect in the 21st century should be taken for granted and shouldn’t be a political question, i.e. a question which is answered in the political discourse, at all. So yeah, little politics. Fascism = bad, should be universally recognized as true. Nationalism per se not necessarily bad, but palingenetic ultranationalism, which is definition of fascism I’m using, definitely.

      edit: hi lemmy, first post here

      • Maya
        74 years ago

        welcome :D

    • @AgreeableLandscape
      264 years ago

      How exactly is “being against the concept of fascism” too much politics? Because that’s what the term “antifa” abbreviates for, nothing more.

      • @Dargoth
        4 years ago

        You’re right, being against fascism isn’t ‘too much politics’. However, “This is an antifa instance” being the first thing on the front page of the instance certainly is. It shows that the admin’s political stance is important enough to them that it’s the first thing they want everyone seeing. Between this, the AMA on reddit, and across the instances, the dev’s political leanings seem to be inserted wherever and whenever possible.

        Nothing’s wrong with politics. Hell, I even share very similar views to those here, I just think that kind of discussion is better suited to a politics-based community, and not as multiple posts plastered on the front page.

      • @Defcon1
        -84 years ago

        It’s a political movement

        • @AgreeableLandscape
          134 years ago

          Fascism itself is also a political movement. Of course the movement against it is also political, but I don’t think it’s “too” political.

          • @Defcon1
            4 years ago

            I’d have said the same thing even for proclamed fascism. I just prefer politics free stuff, It works better with everything

            • @AgreeableLandscape
              144 years ago

              Except literally everything can be political. Even the very idea of open source.

              • @Defcon1
                -64 years ago

                Yes I know, and that’s not great as I sad

            • @muirrum
              134 years ago

              There’s no way to completely get away from politics, it’s just so pervasive in modern culture. If an open-source project is going to take a political stance, this is one that’s high on the list of not-bad politics

              • @Dargoth
                -14 years ago

                Well not plastering it on the front page of the instance is a good start.

                • @otso
                  7 months ago

                  deleted by creator

                  • @Dargoth
                    4 years ago

                    are we worried about offending the facists?

                    Of course not. I’m just saying that things are just a bit too politically charged here to the point of feeling preachy. I guess it’s fine if the devs only want lemmy to be a platform for political activists, but for your everyday people just wanting to share funny memes, talk about tech, games, etc, it can be a little offputting, even if they personally agree with the stance.

    • @muesli
      244 years ago

      I don’t understand how being anti-racist can possibly be controversial in any way… and if it is for you, then I’m not sure what that says about you.

      • @Dargoth
        14 years ago

        Did you reply to the wrong guy, because he didn’t say or even remotely imply that being against racism is a controversial stance.

      • @Defcon1
        -54 years ago

        So am I racist because I’m not an antifa nor a fascist? Do I need to be an antifa to be anti-racist?

        • @nutomicOPMA
          224 years ago

          Fascism and racism have a large overlap, because they both target the same minorities. So yes, I think anti-racism needs to include anti-fascism.

          • @Defcon1
            -104 years ago

            So that makes me a half racist, good to know

        • @muesli
          74 years ago

          It’s not a group you sign up for. If you’re not a racist, then yes, your most natural stance is being against fascism: antifa.

      • @cipherpunk
        4 years ago

        I can’t see which post you’re replying to. These thread lines are an optical illusion.

        Antifa’s method of activism is controversial

        While there is nothing controversial about being anti-racist, Antifa is not simply anti-racist. It’s the style of activism that’s controversial. From wikipedia:

        Antifa is an anti-fascist political movement in the United States[2][3][4][5] comprising a diverse[6][7] array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of both non-violent and violent direct action rather than through policy reform.[8][9][10][11] Antifa political activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy,[11][12] sometimes involving property damage, physical violence and harassment, against fascists, racists and the far-right

        Petitioning for policy reform is relatively non-controversial. But that’s not Antifa. Obviously some of the more extreme actions (e.g. violence and property destruction) are controversial - and Antifa is open to them.

        Antifa’s ideology is controversial

        Components of Antifa ideology:

        • anti-racism (non-controversial of course)
        • anti-capitalism (obviously controversial and IMO unpopular)
        • anarchy (obviously controversial and IMO unpopular)

        I can’t even get my head around how it’s possible to be both anti-capitalist and anarchist at the same time. Anarchy is also favored by the extreme right, and obviously anarchy is a recipe for pure uncontrolled capitalism – most oppressive form of capitalism. What am I missing?

        Lemmy censorship

        In the case of lemmy.ml leadership, what we see is extreme censorship. We’re not just talking censorship of trashy messages. I recently posted a thread on the status of the cock.li email servers, and it was censored because the word “cock” appeared in the domain name. (proof). Obviously it’s essential to mention the domain name of the service we’re talking about.

        No one will care if racist msgs get censored, but any post that’s incompatible with an anti-capitalist or anti-government viewpoint is also likely to be censored when you see how fast and loose they are with the censor trigger.

    • @canteen
      164 years ago

      This is the instance, not the project. The code itself is still as apolitical as ever - even though I have yet to meet a fascist Rust developer.

    • @nutomicOPMA
      154 years ago

      The right amount of politics for us, but feel free to go back to Reddit.

      • @Dargoth
        74 years ago

        This kind of stuff is why some people left reddit.

        • @otso
          7 months ago

          deleted by creator

          • @Dargoth
            4 years ago

            I never said or implied that. This trend of assuming anyone who disagrees with you is ‘far right’ or ‘alt-right’ helps nothing. Also curious is how all of my comments in this thread suddenly have 1 more downvote than a few hours ago before you replied. Probably just chance.

            That aside, I actually agree with the views here, I just don’t like being beaten over the head with it platform-wide.

            • @otso
              7 months ago

              deleted by creator

              • @Dargoth
                4 years ago

                Well again, I never said anti-facist was too radical for me. With all due respect, I think you’re a little too quick to label people ‘far right’. I agree with your sentiment, I agree and absolutely would consider myself and any sane person antifa; my only disagreement is with how hard political views are pushed here. I want lemmy to succeed and I know that even if they agree with the views presented here, pontential users could be turned off by how zealous it comes off sometimes.

      • @Defcon1
        24 years ago

        Just going back and forth

    • @ajz
      2 years ago

      deleted by creator

      • @nutomicOPMA
        94 years ago

        Heh maybe we should also make a statement like that but I dont know if we’re big enough that anyone would care.

        • @ajz
          2 years ago

          deleted by creator

      • @Defcon1
        04 years ago

        No need to jump ship for me

    • Fer
      -53 years ago

      Not just a lot of politics, but a lot of censorship from sympathizers of communism / socialism or movements like antifa.