Just a public service announcement.

  • @AgreeableLandscape
    264 years ago

    How exactly is “being against the concept of fascism” too much politics? Because that’s what the term “antifa” abbreviates for, nothing more.

    • @Dargoth
      4 years ago

      You’re right, being against fascism isn’t ‘too much politics’. However, “This is an antifa instance” being the first thing on the front page of the instance certainly is. It shows that the admin’s political stance is important enough to them that it’s the first thing they want everyone seeing. Between this, the AMA on reddit, and across the instances, the dev’s political leanings seem to be inserted wherever and whenever possible.

      Nothing’s wrong with politics. Hell, I even share very similar views to those here, I just think that kind of discussion is better suited to a politics-based community, and not as multiple posts plastered on the front page.

    • @Defcon1
      -84 years ago

      It’s a political movement

      • @AgreeableLandscape
        134 years ago

        Fascism itself is also a political movement. Of course the movement against it is also political, but I don’t think it’s “too” political.

        • @Defcon1
          4 years ago

          I’d have said the same thing even for proclamed fascism. I just prefer politics free stuff, It works better with everything

          • @AgreeableLandscape
            144 years ago

            Except literally everything can be political. Even the very idea of open source.

            • @Defcon1
              -64 years ago

              Yes I know, and that’s not great as I sad

          • @muirrum
            134 years ago

            There’s no way to completely get away from politics, it’s just so pervasive in modern culture. If an open-source project is going to take a political stance, this is one that’s high on the list of not-bad politics

            • @Dargoth
              -14 years ago

              Well not plastering it on the front page of the instance is a good start.

              • @otso
                7 months ago

                deleted by creator

                • @Dargoth
                  4 years ago

                  are we worried about offending the facists?

                  Of course not. I’m just saying that things are just a bit too politically charged here to the point of feeling preachy. I guess it’s fine if the devs only want lemmy to be a platform for political activists, but for your everyday people just wanting to share funny memes, talk about tech, games, etc, it can be a little offputting, even if they personally agree with the stance.