Software #developer with a passion for #opensource, who enjoys #golang way too much. Made glow, beehive, knoxite, duf and a bunch of other cool things.

If it got a firmware, I’ll flash it.

  • 33 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: January 26th, 2020


  • Where do you get the idea there was a misuse of funds? I quote from the post you linked to yourself:

    The inciting incident for the conflict eventually leading to this was a hardware purchase for one of the team members, but the disagreement was not caused because the purchase was inappropriate. Everyone involved was mostly on the same page about how the money should be spent. The actual disagreements were about the process of allocating the funds.

    We want to be clear, there has not been any financial misuse of the donation funds. We are committed to ensuring that this will remain so.

  • muesliMtoKDE & Plasma usersklauncher
    5 years ago

    Have you just updated your system? If so, chances are the currently running version isn’t compatible with the newly installed libraries. A simple logout / reboot should resolve the issue. If that’s not the case, it sounds like a Debian Testing package is currently broken or missing a dependency. It happens, it’s a testing version after all.