Hi guys,

This seems like an interesting project, and unlike notabug.io it doesn’t seem abandoned, so that’s great.

Now I have a few questions:

  1. How can I subscribe to other “fediverses”?
  2. Where can I find a list of other fediverses?
  3. Should I even be using dev.lemmy.ml as main entry point, or is that at risk of enforcing arbitrary blacklists/whitelists that I cannot control? Is there a more generic Lemmy website/app that allows me to add any fediverse without restrictions?
  4. Where is the user data stored? Does every server save its own users? in that case how can I make sure that nobody steals my name? and if that’s not the case, then how can you prevent e.g. getting banned / shadow banned, if the user data is centralized?
  • DessalinesA
    3 years ago
    1. We don’t have federation turned on for this instance yet, should be within a few weeks or so as we’re done with most rounds of testing. You can test this right now by going to ds9.lemmy.ml and subscribing to a federated community.
    2. join.lemmy.ml
    3. You can run your own server if you like, instructions on the site above.
    4. Its stored in your server’s database, every server has its own unique users myname@myserver.tld
    • @NikEyOP
      93 years ago

      I see, thanks. Gotta say you’ve done a great job at making the site fast and responsive. Very pleasing to use.

      Is there a site-supported way of adjusting the CSS such that the content spreads across the whole width and not just 50% of my screen? If not, might be good to add that in the preferences (I didn’t see an option there).

      • Maya
        43 years ago

        any bootstrap theme (of a certain version that i forget) can be added to an instance if you figure out how to get that behavior with bootstrap, IIRC.

    • @NikEyOP
      13 years ago

      hmm, the ds9.lemmy.ml server doesn’t allow me to subscribe to a community without signing up. So if I need to sign up for every single server then how does the federation work then? I was hoping I could just subscribe to a community on a different server but using my current account from lemmy.ml?

      • SeerLite
        23 years ago

        It’s not federation the “mastodon” way where you can use your account on one instance to subscribe to a community on another.

        It’s more like each instance admin chooses which other instances to federate with, and so you can see a “federated” feed on your main instance where you can subscribe to communities from those admin-selected instances and interact with them, all from within the interface of your main instance. Disclaimer: I’m not a dev or anything, I just lurk around here a lot. @dessalines@lemmy.ml correct me if I’m wrong about anything I said here haha

        1. We don’t have federation turned on for this instance yet

        Only the test instances have federation currently, so you can interact from within the ds9.lemmy.ml <-> voyager.lemmy.ml <-> enterprise.lemmy.ml circle only if you make an account on one of them.

        • @nutomicA
          3 years ago

          It works exactly like Mastodon, with the difference that Mastodon federates with all instances by default, while lemmy.ml will only federate with a few instances at first. But admins of other instances can decide to federate with everyone (I wouldnt recommend it because the mod tools are still lacking).

        • @NikEyOP
          13 years ago

          gotcha, thanks