Hi guys,

This seems like an interesting project, and unlike notabug.io it doesn’t seem abandoned, so that’s great.

Now I have a few questions:

  1. How can I subscribe to other “fediverses”?
  2. Where can I find a list of other fediverses?
  3. Should I even be using dev.lemmy.ml as main entry point, or is that at risk of enforcing arbitrary blacklists/whitelists that I cannot control? Is there a more generic Lemmy website/app that allows me to add any fediverse without restrictions?
  4. Where is the user data stored? Does every server save its own users? in that case how can I make sure that nobody steals my name? and if that’s not the case, then how can you prevent e.g. getting banned / shadow banned, if the user data is centralized?
  • SeerLite
    23 years ago

    It’s not federation the “mastodon” way where you can use your account on one instance to subscribe to a community on another.

    It’s more like each instance admin chooses which other instances to federate with, and so you can see a “federated” feed on your main instance where you can subscribe to communities from those admin-selected instances and interact with them, all from within the interface of your main instance. Disclaimer: I’m not a dev or anything, I just lurk around here a lot. @dessalines@lemmy.ml correct me if I’m wrong about anything I said here haha

    1. We don’t have federation turned on for this instance yet

    Only the test instances have federation currently, so you can interact from within the ds9.lemmy.ml <-> voyager.lemmy.ml <-> enterprise.lemmy.ml circle only if you make an account on one of them.

    • @nutomicA
      3 years ago

      It works exactly like Mastodon, with the difference that Mastodon federates with all instances by default, while lemmy.ml will only federate with a few instances at first. But admins of other instances can decide to federate with everyone (I wouldnt recommend it because the mod tools are still lacking).

    • @NikEyOP
      13 years ago

      gotcha, thanks