• @pingveno
    101 year ago

    Conversations happen there that I would never experience here due to different political environments, as well as more political diversity on Reddit. There is a lot more niche content on Reddit as well. Case in point: there are numerous LGBTQ+ related subreddits focusing on every aspect of the community, from LGBTQ+ teens to Q & A with gay men over 30 to people questioning their gender identity. Lemmy just doesn’t have the critical mass necessary to address those niche needs.

    I’ve also invested time in my account on Reddit. That includes moderator positions, most notably a longstanding position where I helped grow /r/moderatepolitics from a tiny subreddit to around a top 1000 subreddit in terms of comments and posts per day. Alone its traffic absolutely dwarfs that of all of Lemmy.

    • petrescatraian
      21 year ago

      @pingveno I’m also on the same page as you. There’s just not enough content and pretty much no local content at all if you’re not in Western Europe, US and Canada. Relevant topics for Eastern Europe for example either do not exist or are regarded through the lens of the westerners.

      While Reddit just simply seems to me the sanest of the biggest centralized social networks. Plus that it’s really taking off: when I joined Reddit a few years back r/romania had around 1/10 the number of current subscribers. Local or Romanian specific communities are also getting more traction. As a Romanian, I can only help by posting the news I get myslef here and… yea…


      • @pingveno
        21 year ago

        Yeah, that too. I’m in Portland, OR and there were three times more posts in the past 24 hours on its main subreddit than in the entire history of the Lemmy community. Reddit’s just playing in a whole nother ball park than Lemmy at this point.

        • petrescatraian
          11 year ago

          @pingveno Yea, it really does not compare. I just want to cut down on accounts and this is why I tried to be more active on lemmy, but otherwise it’s really unatractive.

        • Thats rad, but I’m not trying to be a dick at all. I’m quite active as I want to see Lemmy do well and the fact everytime someone says something about a lack of threads their account is also a lurker. Regardless, glad you’re here and getting down with comments for sure!

  • kingthrillgore
    51 year ago

    Because as much as I hate that place, it does occupy a lot of my idle time on the Internet. I wish I could give it up.

  • szczur
    51 year ago

    I once did, then I made a new account and was banned for having multiple accounts. No turning back now.

  • krolden
    41 year ago

    Because they banned me

  • §ɦṛɛɗɗịɛ ßịⱺ𝔩ⱺɠịᵴŧ
    1 year ago

    I did a good while back, fuck allowing Reddit to build a profile about me without breaking down what I’m cool with them collecting. Libreddit all damn day if get an itch to peep the front page

  • @altair222@beehaw.org
    41 year ago

    Have some friends on there, it has a bit of a comminity from my country that may be useful someday and some content I havent backed up. Else i really want to delete my account from that hate and abuse filled site

  • @BadSong
    10 months ago

    deleted by creator

  • GPL will protect us
    21 year ago

    Because I don’t have one ;-) my only social media are Lemmy and Mastodon. I follow some subreddits with infinity without login

  • @dressupgeekout
    21 year ago

    Because Lemmy does not replace Reddit for me – but rather, it’s a different thing altogether.

  • Arcaneslime
    1 year ago

    I will when Lemmy becomes a direct replacement, but as it stands I doubt that will ever happen. Anyone I convince to join Mastodon nopes out immediately due to “Nazis and furries,” and everyone I convince to join Lemmy nopes out because of “the insurmountable Tankie genocide denial/apologist problem.”

    I just want nerdy linux/gameboy shit without some scumfuck Holodomorista just having to shove how installing an IPS screen is a bourgeoisie luxury and I should be killed for soldering down my throat. You can ban/mute all the lemmygrad shit too but it doesn’t help.

  • Cass.Forest
    11 year ago

    I have several Reddit accounts, all for several reasons. I still somewhat interact with the site but I mostly just use it to view stuff and aggregate all of the communities I actually want to see content from. Plus I’m just lazy and haven’t seen an actual reason to delete my account(s).

  • @drifty
    11 year ago

    Also from what I understand Lemmy was born for the purpose of piracy

  • @drifty
    11 year ago

    I don’t think you can actually permanently delete a reddit account at all