I have a good experience with digitalocean when it comes to technical stuff, or computing stability, most of my apps hosted there are business related apps, has nothing to do with public opinion. but recently i decided to launch a lemmy instance that allows freedom of speech with very less restrictions, and i’m still thinking to put the service on digitalocean, but i dont know if digitalocean is good when it comes to freedom of speech, because i dont want to wake up at the morning and find that they blocked my account and deleted all my data because they didn`t like what my users are talking about.

Note: Less restrictions means (no pornography, child pornography, terrorist group and violence support, copyrighted materials trade).

  • @poVoq
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • @jay91OP
      63 years ago

      I truly appreciate your view, but this not how you think mate. I’m not into hate speech of course, I’m not trying to create something that makes people fight over silly stuff, just want to establish a civilized speech but in deep, something we usually don`t see in the mainstream. lets assume that we are talking politics, for example, we criticize foreign and internal policy of the countries, defense contractors and arm dealers, shadow economics and human rights violations.
      Also, we put leaks and we talk deeply about Pandora and panama papers. all these as examples.

      • @poVoq
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

        • @jay91OP
          33 years ago

          These companies work for money, they are not organizations that sacrifice for ethics. So, yes, everything is possible, especially i’m from a country that makes me unable to defend my rights against any hoster in case if decided to take my data aggressively. I’m doing a study before i can start.

  • @pimento@lemmygrad.ml
    73 years ago

    Digitalocean is based in the United States, so if you host your instance there, you will have to follow the laws of that country to some degree (at least if the instance gets big enough for someone to notice). It will probably be similar if your instance is hosted in another country, and I dont think there is any country that is clearly neutral.

    So my suggestion is to think about which countries your instance would mainly criticize, and then host in a “hostile” country. For example, if you want to criticize the United States, host in Russia or China as their governments wont care about that. Or vice versa.

    • @jay91OP
      23 years ago

      Your comment is helpful and clear. Thanks mate.

    • @Cysioland@lemmygrad.ml
      -23 years ago

      From what I’ve heard the US law is pretty okay in terms of freedom of speech if you aren’t a direct threat to the US

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker
        03 years ago

        Yeah. Suuuure. Snowden. Assange. Daniel Hale. Chelsea Manning. Reality Winner. Countless others. Ring any bells?

  • GadgeteerZA
    43 years ago

    “Freedom” is horrifically relative in many cases. You either have freedom or you don’t. Once you start justifying degrees of freedom, it is not freedom at all, but just degrees of censorship. Yes terrorism (relative to particular countries, or they called freedom fighters), hate speech, incitement to violence, happiness, child pornography, drugs, whatever are all free, or they are not. But in the US, it seems that “freedom of speech” seems synonymous actually with political opinions. Then why don’t we just call it politics or political opinion?

    Most Western countries are OK with freedom of speech along the lines of political opinion, but most are not OK with incitements of violence, hate speech, incitements to commit crimes in that country, etc.

    But you can choose the country of hosting for DigitalOcean which is the most compatible with what you want to host. My personal opinion is, it is often better to host it somewhere outside your own country, if the concern is about your own government.

  • @Lightbritelite
    3 years ago

    In America, the phase “freedom of speech” has unfortunately become synonymous with far right politics, and is generally just code for saying whatever ill thought out, hate filled thing a person wants, but without anyone responding back to them with criticism. Because criticism equals censorship in the minds of these deluded folks. But we all know that by now, right? I’m Korean American, btw. Not saying that’s what the OP is saying, but it makes me ask, what “freedom of speech” is being denied on these instances? I guess they say they’re in a country that may restrict corporate critique?

  • m-p{3}
    13 years ago

    If you’re afraid of the host taking down your instance, you could make it accessible only through a Onion Service on Tor. That way unless the provider directly snoops at the VPS files, they won’t know that you’re hosting that instance. And someone complaining about its content will only have the Onion Service hostname, and won’t be able to determine the actual location of the server unless a webpage from Lemmy on the server itself publishes the server’s public IP.

    The drawback is that it makes it less approachable to newcomers, who might not know how to access it if they don’t know how to access Tor.

  • seahorse
    13 years ago

    I run my instance on there and I pay $5 USD a month for it and so far I’m happy about it. You can choose where the server is located, although I don’t know if that determines whether DO will take down your server as @pimento@lemmygrad.ml said since they’re based in the US. My DO server is in Germany.