Context for anyone who hasn’t seen it:

Tldr lemmy mods apologising for fash on lemmy and the mods/admins/users defending the bigot as they recruit others to their dogshit instance.

Oh also one user calling lgbtq+ user a pedophile pushing that same vile rhetoric used by fascists to dehumanised lgbtq+ people and they didn’t get banned immediately. So criticalresist gets banned for telling users to fuck off but using dehumanising homophobia to bully a Comrade is a-ok by lemmy mod standards.

Leftist social media? What a laugh. They stand for nothing and fall for everything.

Update: the wolfballs admin seems to have fled while deleting their comments and the abjectly homophobic comment by another user was removed but further comments continuing the bs idea that a user here is a groomer because she is part of the lgbtq+ community persist further legitimising that assumption that the two (lgbtq+ and noncing) are somehow linked.

Do better lemmy.

  • @TheConquestOfBed
    222 years ago

    The ironic part about the groomer thing is that the last big struggle session I was in, I spent 2 days telling people off for saying that Loli is acceptable because “Japan just has different norms.” And they thought I was being silly to argue that we should defederate from people showing that behavior because they are dangerous. Loli is disgusting and I said as much and stopped talking to them over that discussion.

    • Ratette (she/her)OP
      2 years ago

      I don’t think a lot of people in the wider world who aren’t queer or allies realise that linking peadophilia and lgbt was a major piece of propaganda used to demonise and refuse us rights by homophobes and that it had such a profound affect on reactionaries that I still hear the odd homophobe say it today and it boils my blood. To see it even remotely tolerated on lemmy made me seethe. Like people who have queer friends asking if we will ever see peadophilia normalised like lgbt and its like wtf why are you associating someones sexuality and child exploitation?! Lgbt people can still be pedophiles the same as straights. They are completely different and this subconscious linking of the two is one of the most damaging hit pieces homophobes ever pulled off.

      Erghhh the loli debate is always brain melting. I categorised it as Japan might have a lower age of consent but that doesn’t justify peadophilia and i doubt it flies over there too, if your drawing someone to be intentionally pre-puberty then you are attaching that sexualisation to a childs body. The aspect of loli that attracts the users is the prebubescent bodies and that is vile.

    • Seanchaí (she/her)
      122 years ago

      Y’know I notice that one of the loli defenders was uhh, a certain admin we’re here discussing

    • Amicese
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

    212 years ago

    That’s why platforms and spaces in general need to be explicitly anti-fascist, not just “intolerant of bigotry”

    • Ratette (she/her)OP
      2 years ago

      Intolerant of bigotry seems to be missing from several lemmy mods understanding of their platform.

      Full agree though, intolerance of bigotry is so weak and flimsy because if your mods or admins don’t understand of perceive said bigotry then they won’t react appropriately.

    • Seanchaí (she/her)
      2 years ago

      not that surprising, back when lemmy was federated with wolfballs dessalines was opposed to enabling bigots and even made some arguments for not listing bigoted instances on, while nutomic argued against defederation and said people opposed to wolfballs’ free-speech were “the type to call everything [they] disagree with fascist”

      Edit: should probably mention I do have receipts, including lengthy defense of anti-vaxxers by nutomic, agreement with someone posting anti-trans rhetoric, nutomic disagreeing with dessalines banning someone over racism, homophobia and transphobia (the other wolfballs admin) and asserting that those are, in fact, acceptable topics on (and dessalines uses the same nazi bar analogy used in this latest thread to attempt to persuade nutomic to uphold a wolfballs admin ban)

      almost like nutomic is actually pals with the right wingers and shares a lot of their views. hmmm. is not a leftist instance, one of the main admins is a bigoted free speech anti-vax weirdo masquerading as an ML and reverts bans for his wolfballs buddies. Truly a place to be avoided like the plague (that nutomic probably doesn’t believe exists)

        92 years ago

        This nutomic person really sounds like a fascist sack of shit (no nutomic, we don’t call everything we dislike fascism, I don’t like peanut butter, but it’s not fascist). Even if nutomics own politics aren’t open, brazen, goosestepping fascism, they are, giving them huge benefit of the doubt, the ‘person at a table with a nazi’, they are complicit, and no better than them.

  • I hope the admins decide to actually deal with these people. is good for educating vaguely leftist people about imperialism (directly, or by them viewing Lemmygrad posts), so it’d be unfortunate if we had to stop interacting with that instance

    172 years ago

    Just something to note…

    A few weeks ago, but after the PatSoc purge, there was some talk about defederating Lemmygrad from Lemmy.

    At about the same time, there was some discussion about wrecker / fed tactics and a link to some guidance on Hexbear.

    It was suggested that we ignore the calls to defederate coming from within Lemmygrad because it appeared to stem from wrecker / fed behaviour.

    I am not suggesting that those highlighting the current problems here and in other posts in the last few days are wreckers. Far from it! Well done comrades for highlighting and combating crypto-fascism, transphobia, and homophobia. There is no place for that bigotry in this world, never mind leftist spaces.

    But I think we should be careful.

    It seems like too much of a coincidence that so soon after we resolve to defeat the wreckers operating from within Lemmygrad, we are at risk of arguing for the same result (defederation) because of activity on Lemmy.

    If Lemmygrad / Lemmy are targeted by fascists, etc, as something to bring down (we’ve seen this with DDOS attacks, I believe) or take over, it would not surprise me to learn that they have several techniques, even if this is not coordinated (although it could be).

    Most people are liberals (in the West, at least), which means most people would gravitate to liberal rather than ML spaces. Which means people leaving e.g. Reddit (a primarily US or Western space) may be more likely to join Lemmy (being leftist) than Lemmygrad (being ML).

    As Lemmy grows, liberalism on Lemmy is also likely to grow. Of course, MLs do not see any brand of liberal as leftist, although liberals may be progressive and open to ML thought if it were packaged in the right way.

    And what are liberals going to find on Lemmy now? Especially LGBT liberals? They’re going to find evidence that whatever they have heard about communism, it’s only the communists who staunchly stand up against bigotry and for the oppressed.

    My main point is to say thank you to those comrades who opposed bigotry over the last few days. Admirable work.

    My secondary point – and I’m not terribly convinced that LGBT people should have to face transphobia and homophobia just to be martyrs for their own humanity – is that although dealing with liberal intransigence is frustrating, the steadfast anti-fascism displayed over the last few days could be quite radicalising and lead people towards Lemmygrad.

    If you’re equally unconvinced by the idea that bigotry is somehow good, my third point is that arguing against bigotry under the Lemmygrad banner may leave a trail of breadcrumbs for LGBT people and others to find a safe, bigotry-free home here, where they will be supported, etc.

      112 years ago

      Just an addition/clarification to the first part of your comment.

      For defederation to happen, admins at either instance have to block the other one.

      This means if we decide at Lemmygrad to block Lemmy, we will not see their content and they will not see our content either. It just needs to be unilateral for defederation to happen.

      At Lemmygrad, to be entirely clear, there is no talk whatsoever to defederate. The only time we briefly mentioned the possibility was at the start of federation, when there were only 2 instances, and because it was new and exciting we got lots of libs coming to check lemmygrad out and bring their lib stuff here.

      I cannot say what Lemmy thinks about defederating with Lemmygrad. I want to say they don’t entertain it either, but seeing what nutomic has been saying, I’m honestly not so sure. Regardless I don’t have any information about their discussions.

  • Seanchaí (she/her)
    172 years ago

    He wasn’t banned, he just self-selected out of lemmy, deleted all his comments and posts. His account is still active though

  • stasis
    162 years ago

    i was thinking about making a lemmy account, now i’m not going to do that unless the admins stop allowing reactionaries on their instance.

    • Ratette (she/her)OP
      172 years ago

      I tried and they rejected me purely because I was coming from lemmygrad (as I was pretty open about it using a similar user name) under some bs justification for “lack of information”.

      Honestly it just seems like a shithole of reactionary idiocy and it would just annoy me so I’m kinda glad I didn’t in the end.

      • @aworldtowin
        132 years ago

        I made my account on Lemmy many months ago and would always browse all, but recently I’ve been browsing exclusively lemmygrad. Lemmy is hardly better than my old reddit homepage. Just slightly less overt bigotry.

        • Ratette (she/her)OP
          102 years ago

          I’m getting a “we think we are better than reddit” vibe from lemmy which is ironic given what I’ve seen.

  • @frippa
    122 years ago

    I’m waiting for the “migrate instances” feature, till then, I’m stuck on this fascist-aligned instance 😢

  • RedFortress
    2 years ago

    I feel like communists should just stop calling themselves leftists, in the west at least. People could then stop associating MLs with anarshits and the likes.

      • RedFortress
        32 years ago

        I see your point. I just wish this left-right idea wasn’t so popular. It’s impractical and originates from the old days of liberalism.

        • Ratette (she/her)OP
          32 years ago

          Yeah well the libs like to remove nuance from the equation to obfuscate the issues and dumb down the conversation so that tracks.