The broken clock strikes again?

  • It’s really just contrarianism. The Democrats are now in power, and naturally they’re doing the same things that the Republicans did, so now everything the American bourgeoisie hates is good, at least marginally.

  • Weilai Hope
    2 years ago

    The right know something is wrong but can’t figure out what it is.

      242 years ago

      Worst, they know what is wrong, they just dont know the right solution, or arent interested on it because they are proffiting on it.

    • Oatsteak
      2 years ago

      Exactly. They’re actually very intuitive… Problem is, that’s pretty much all they’ve got going for them. I’ve really noticed that the right is very emotionally motivated, which is a bit ironic. Very feelings over facts. I think the problem is that they are so led by their emotions that they really struggle or are even incapable of recognizing that while emotions are useful and a valid source of data, they are not an unfiltered peek at objective reality. So, they feel that something is very wrong but they have no way to orient themselves or think beyond their own conditioning. They don’t understand how the world works, they only know that something is rotten about it. Then someone like Tucker Carlson validates that feeling, but directs it towards minorities instead.

    • QueerCommie
      172 years ago

      Yeah, most fascists are just people that realize the system is set up against them, they are just misdirected to believe that the ones exploiting them are Jews and communists, and are brainwashed to think that more capitalism is the answer, thereby supporting the oppressor

    • @MerchantsOfMisery
      142 years ago

      Uhh no-- they know that if the “Libs” say up, then they’ll say down. If the Democrats say black, right wingers will say white. Dems say left, Republicans say right. It’s contrarian nonsense and I can’t believe how many people seriously think right wingers “know something is wrong” when all they know is contrarianism.

    282 years ago

    The dems are in power, so now the republicans are playing the role of controlled opposition. The democrats will go back to being the “opposition” when the Republicans are in power again

    272 years ago

    The MAGA crowd always feels like they’re close to understanding the real problems but then just double down on the bigotry.

      2 years ago

      The anti-system vibes are maybe the one thing the two groups have in common. The difference is that our rage is directed at our real captors, and theirs is directed against minorities.

        32 years ago

        Their entire worldview is bent on white supremacy. That’s why they need to believe that the Jews, Blacks, Mexicans and Asians are all teaming up against them. None of their “perfect” societies have a place for minorities as anything but servants.

  • Sojik
    232 years ago

    I watched Jackson’s stream yesterday for a little while. I feel you can talk to these people and they will listen to you. Liberals want us in jail and silenced.

      2 years ago

      My conservative trump voting father, after I spend weeks discussing china with him calmly, told me yesterday he wishes the US and China would cooperate for a better world and told me he may even concede that China’s model for economic development is superior.

      I can’t push too hard, and there is no point - but you would NEVER, EVER, here a stereotypical liberal (here I mean liberal as in democrat) say anything of the sort.

        152 years ago

        Lots of conservatives are easier to talk to than liberals. Plenty of working-class conservatives are already class conscious they just need the proper direction for their anger. Liberals think imperialism is a #representation problem that can be fixed by electing the right identity to the top of the war machine.

          • @aworldtowin
            102 years ago

            Let’s be real here- 80%+ of westerners that eventually get to ML were liberals first. I would Wager that the majority of gen z people on GenZedong from the US were Bernie supporters that went more left as they got more educated when they saw the movement we had dissipate into nothing. We may see it as wasting our time with libs but way more libs will eventually become leftist than conservatives. We should be talking to all working class people of course but we should put more effort into libs and apolitical people than these outright bigots.

        72 years ago

        The prescribed western “mainstream” narrative is liberal. As a result your stereotypical liberal have been told all their life that by simply parroting the state line makes them virtuous, and they have been egged on and positively reinforced for that choice at every turn. This fosters a special kind of people.

    • Breadbeard
      82 years ago

      Hinkle and Medhurst are currently on a great streak. so is Jimmy. all the shitlibs are in full REEE mode for now…

  • @isleofmist
    222 years ago

    Bush Jr was a mass murderer and a war criminal. I don’t know of he’s also a nazi, but unlikely.