It’s indifferent. Mainly modern setting though.
Not exactly news, but I also like The Jimmy Dore Show commentaries on recent world events.
Portuguese, English, I can understand and speak Spanish on an intermediate to advanced level and I’m currently learning Mandarin.
The anti-system vibes are maybe the one thing the two groups have in common. The difference is that our rage is directed at our real captors, and theirs is directed against minorities.
I’ve read a piece on Sixth Tone recently that detailed how doctors are often overworked and underpaid, leading to a drop in young doctors in formation. The youth is losing interest and China already has a low medics to population ratio. I don’t know if the issue extends to other professions in the healthcare sector, but I wonder why there isn’t a major effort towards that in particular, and if there is, when it will yield results. I’d like to know more about how healthcare in China works, does anyone know where I can learn more?
Edit: typos
Any particular reason? I have to restart The Left Hand of Darkness because I dropped the first time around, but I thought it was quite interesting nonetheless.
I like the comments Richard Medhurst makes and also The Jimmy Dore Show.
Books by Chinese. Thanks for the recommendation, I will definitely read it!