The broken clock strikes again?

  • Weilai Hope
    2 years ago

    The right know something is wrong but can’t figure out what it is.

      242 years ago

      Worst, they know what is wrong, they just dont know the right solution, or arent interested on it because they are proffiting on it.

    • Oatsteak
      2 years ago

      Exactly. They’re actually very intuitive… Problem is, that’s pretty much all they’ve got going for them. I’ve really noticed that the right is very emotionally motivated, which is a bit ironic. Very feelings over facts. I think the problem is that they are so led by their emotions that they really struggle or are even incapable of recognizing that while emotions are useful and a valid source of data, they are not an unfiltered peek at objective reality. So, they feel that something is very wrong but they have no way to orient themselves or think beyond their own conditioning. They don’t understand how the world works, they only know that something is rotten about it. Then someone like Tucker Carlson validates that feeling, but directs it towards minorities instead.

    • QueerCommie
      172 years ago

      Yeah, most fascists are just people that realize the system is set up against them, they are just misdirected to believe that the ones exploiting them are Jews and communists, and are brainwashed to think that more capitalism is the answer, thereby supporting the oppressor

    • @MerchantsOfMisery
      142 years ago

      Uhh no-- they know that if the “Libs” say up, then they’ll say down. If the Democrats say black, right wingers will say white. Dems say left, Republicans say right. It’s contrarian nonsense and I can’t believe how many people seriously think right wingers “know something is wrong” when all they know is contrarianism.