Just a commie interested in city planning and writing. Always asking pesky questions!

  • 23 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 26th, 2022

  • Samubai@lemmygrad.mltoGenZedong@lemmygrad.mlAnarchists
    1 year ago

    Yo, I’ve gotten people to describe capitalism whilst trying to describe “communism” lol! That’s my accolade.

    Try to not disagree with them, try not to argue or debate. Unless they’re very rational and reasonable and not very emotional. So, not most people, lol. Just listen to them and be an example to them any way you can. Be more patient, be more calm, be smarter or kinder, it doesn’t really matter how you are an example. They will change in time. At some point they will start asking questions, then you can show them the the way, the Engles essay and more. You want them to question the group of anarchism. By avoiding antagonizing yourself and leading by being a positive example, anarchists themselves usually scare people off.

    The process of change takes time, practice and patience. Good luck!

  • For sure! That all makes sense.

    When I started college, it was pretty much the same thing. I lived in a dingy room, eating the cheapest food, secretly smoking cigarettes and being depressed, hating my life and myself, smoking resin, working a degrading job at Wendy’s, awful manager in a terrible, religious, car-centric town.

    An awful time.

    It’s hard going through the motions sometimes, and college is a great place, but I think reducing stress comes down to simplifying your life. Do you rent an expensive apartment, do you feel suffocated by your family, do you have a hard time getting to work or class, do the people around you make you feel shitty about yourself?

    The way to reduce stress and simplify your life? Boundaries. Put emotional boundaries for yourself, don’t get too involved in feeling bad, put limits on yourself. Don’t deny your emotions, but only give them the space you need to be able to let them go, no more, no less. Also boundaries for others. Don’t let others speak ill of you, tell them when your boundaries have been crossed. If they don’t respect your boundaries, it’s time to reconsider the amount of time you are spending with said people. If they are people you live with, get out. At work? Report them or find a different job.

    Frankly, a job is a necessary evil if you want more independence. When you’re young, you gotta work your connections. I had none, and had a string of awful jobs, but I also let too many things slide, people didn’t start respecting me and I didn’t feel free until I started putting my foot down.

    If the people you work with look ill and depressed, maybe talk to them about labor news. Sneak in as much class consciousness as you can. It can get exciting to do that. Just get to know your co-workers. Why are they so depressed, what do they want from life, what does the boss treat them like? Even if your co-workers are awful people, you can learn how to speak to lumpenproles and reactionaries.

    Idk, if you’re generally healthy and have a decent brain, you got all you need to make your way in life. We have to take life a little less seriously cuz we all end up dead, lol. Remember to be patient and compassionate toward yourself, simplify your life however you can, and your thinking. Trust the motions, and keep working. Eventually, you’ll improve, you’ll get better at dealing with all the things life throws at you, one step at a time. It takes years. We’re all still figuring life out :) it’s a trip.

  • Well, I think all your feelings are rational. The times we live in, at least in the imperial core, are pretty troubled. I wonder how much of it is environmental stress. Not necessarily you. Have you considered taking a break from school? Holding a job is not as bad as it seems, even if it’s not the best pay. Live below your means and try to connect with people like you. Is there a psl or something like that around you?

    Mainly, I’d say, it sounds like you’re just stressed, and that’s solvable. Reduce your sources of stress. Live a quieter life for a bit. Get in touch with yourself.

    Furthermore, try to just think less. Thinking is the source of many problems. I know it sounds like stupid advice, but noticing your stream of consciousness is different from latching on to any emotionally charged thoughts.

    Don’t think about the future. Read and study eastern philosophy. The western culture is very attached to complexity, but it’s in simplicity that we can find peace and quiet. Simplicity is clear and subtle.

    Have some compassion for yourself. Do what makes you feel at ease. Writing, drawing, walking, music, meditate, are some ideas. Take a step back from yourself and allow yourself to feel what you feel, without attaching yourself to those feelings or turning them into thoughts.

    I feel for ya, I’ve been through that, but it will pass, and you’ll find your way. Trust yourself and be very patient.

  • What a pathetic article. First, the premise is so shaky. It’s based on a straw-man of general American sentiment.

    Then, at the end, he asks us to look in the mirror. Yet, there aren’t any solutions expanded upon besides some shitty “build more rentals!!!” What exactly can a normal person do? Is this guy’s audience landlords? Probably.

    The problem is the market, not housing. There are more than enough houses for everyone. But since it’s a fucking market, what can you expect but a minority landlord class absorbing the largest amount of housings to artificially limit housing? It’s a clear and predictable outcome. Thompson completely avoids this simple fact in order to blame the consumer of a necessity for the shit show that is investor market capitalism.