I have an “left unity” an-com comrade, and I’m looking for resources for moving them more “auth-ward.” Should I just send on authority and state and revolution? Any suggestions?

  • Samubai@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Yo, I’ve gotten people to describe capitalism whilst trying to describe “communism” lol! That’s my accolade.

    Try to not disagree with them, try not to argue or debate. Unless they’re very rational and reasonable and not very emotional. So, not most people, lol. Just listen to them and be an example to them any way you can. Be more patient, be more calm, be smarter or kinder, it doesn’t really matter how you are an example. They will change in time. At some point they will start asking questions, then you can show them the the way, the Engles essay and more. You want them to question the group of anarchism. By avoiding antagonizing yourself and leading by being a positive example, anarchists themselves usually scare people off.

    The process of change takes time, practice and patience. Good luck!