this question aims to look at alternatives, not why we should remain using lemmy or any lemmy instance.

  • @Fool
    193 years ago

    I will go to sleep, because it is late.

  • @Thann
    73 years ago

    To another instance…

    • @ancom
      23 years ago

      if you find out that lemmy isn’t suitable for you anymore, you suggest to use lemmy as an alternative? I’m not sure if lemmy is a valid alternative to lemmy…

      • @Thann
        13 years ago

        It’s open source and federated. You can modify and moderate it till your hearts content. ‘lemmy’ isn’t a single thing, it’s an idea, and to quote V for Vendetta:

        We are told to remember the idea, not the man, because a man can fail. He can be caught, he can be killed and forgotten, but 400 years later, an idea can still change the world.

        • @ancom
          13 years ago

          I respect your enthusiasm, but you seem to dismiss the alternatives. Your time is limited. You can use it to improve lemmy, same as you can use to improve something else. Arguing that because it is open source and federate, one should invest their time to improve lemmy, is in result also saying one should not use that time to improve other alternatives that are open source too.

          • @Thann
            03 years ago

            Arguing that because it is open source and federate, one should invest their time to improve lemmy, is in result also saying one should not use that time to improve other alternatives that are open source too.

            I’m not making this argument, I’m just countering the assertion that there is a single “Lemmy” that can become unsuitable. When In fact it is software and a network that are both mutable.

            • @ancom
              23 years ago

              I’m just countering the assertion that there is a single “Lemmy” that can become unsuitable

              Earlier you said, that because it is open source, lemmy will always be suitable for anyome, because they can just modify it, as you say.

              Modifying lemmy means, that during this time you won’t be able to modify something else, and neither does the possibility to modify something grant you the resources to actually do it. That means, in order to have lemmy suitable, you do it at the cost of dismissing alternatives.

              It also misses the point, about the power lead developer hold over every lemmy instance. If you believe those developers are unfit for that position, and if that matters to you, then changing software might for some be the only solution, and that is what the question is addressing.

              • @Thann
                13 years ago

                You’re completely right, and this issue is especially problematic and noticable with cryptocurrencies. Fortunately though you are generally not the only person who feels a certain way, and you can generally find a community of devs to make a fork. My assertion is that once the Lemmy devs start causing problems, people will make a fork of lemmy that addresses your concerns with the codebase, and because Lemmy was the most suitable before, the fork will continue to be the most suitable for a while. At that point “what is Lemmy” becomes a semantic argument.

                • @ancom
                  13 years ago

                  But why should I want a fork of lemmy when I prefer to have a fork of

                  I prefer the design of postmil over the design of lemmy. There are things I dislike with lemmy, there are things I dislike about postmil. I don’t want a fork of lemmy, I want a fork of postmil.

    • @nikifaOP
      13 years ago

      You mean my question is always invalid when tested by reality?

      • @Thann
        13 years ago

        uh, no. your question seems to imply that there is one “lemmy”, when in fact “lemmy” is whatever you want it to be.

  • @poVoq
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • @nikifaOP
      -23 years ago

      his question aims to look at alternatives, not why we should remain using lemmy or any lemmy instance.

      • @poVoq
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

        • @nikifaOP
          -13 years ago

          ok, propably I missed that. Lot’s of text there. you mind writing a TL;DR?

          • @poVoq
            1 year ago

            deleted by creator

  • @lorabe
    33 years ago

    What is wrong with this platform tho.

  • @nikifaOP
    23 years ago

    Here’s a list to some alternatives. Some might look to be non-alternatives at first glance, so before naming some alternatives I’d like to remind what the purpose of spaces like this are:

    Communicating with others

    • writing letters to prisoners, and having an adress they can respond to. If they answer, write an response
    • walls (get some chalk, spray paint, etc). I grand you read/write access
    • zines (write/read and them circulate)
    • non-lemmy fediverse platforms
    • email lists (you can use them as if they are federated forums)
    • blogs/rss feeds
    • irc/xmpp
  • Vegafjord eo
    3 years ago

    The problem with lemmy right now is that there are too few instances. The instances that has momentum has a strong tankies presence which a lot of people are uncofortable with. The most natural answer would be for them to create their own instance, but they chose to leave the platform instead 🤯

    • @TheAnonymouseJoker
      3 years ago


      That labelling approach is getting you nowhere. There are only so many kinds of forums you can join, at the end of the day. Some have straight up Nazi leaning, here you have a socialist leaning. Then you have centrist places like Reddit. Then there is reactionary left on YouTube and Twitter, and reactionary right on bit chute and Gab. You have furries and pedophile groomers on Discord, and every kind of person on Telegram.

      You pick the forums less dependent on the political ideology, and more on if they have people with academic rigour and are filled with less stupid monkey brains, and how much toxicity you can handle at a time. The political part plays a role after this.

      People that came to Lemmy are mostly people that have low toxicity buffers and also happen to have a preference for fediverse and like the darknet proxy anonymity that can be achieved here. The leftist politics only comes later.

      I am personally still evaluating Lemmy after a whole year of high participation and contribution to this platform, and admins and old people here know my comments pretty well.

        • @lorabe
          33 years ago

          They could absorb the entire platform in the process, like the my little pony guys in some imageboards. The level of flood back then was sometimes unbearable.

        • @TheAnonymouseJoker
          -53 years ago

          You bring a hell lot of cancerous things, like NSFW stuff, with that crowd. Trust me, do not ask me how I know these things.

            • @TheAnonymouseJoker
              03 years ago

              I do not hate them either, really. But furry spaces happen to have plenty of that, since their whole social ideology is quite liberal in the first place.

      • Vegafjord eo
        23 years ago

        Its fair to criticize me for using the term tankies. What is a better term for one who support these countries?

        • @TheAnonymouseJoker
          3 years ago

          Socialists. A certain section of people is known as communists. There are trotskyists as well. ML and non ML socialists. Stalinists, Leninists, Maoists. The last one is considered too absurd by many socialists in today’s day and age.

          Calling socialists “tankies” is EXACTLY the same as calling ALL right wing or conservative people Nazis. That is how BS that sounds like.

          Please do not downvote this fellow. People should know why using the term tankies for all socialists is wrong.

          • @Metallinatus
            73 years ago

            Except that when people say “tankies” they are not referring to all socialists, but to the branch that supports authoritarian socialist governments, pretty much on the opposite end of the leftist spectrum from anarchism, so I understand why op would feel that way, although I will take that community any day over a right leaning community.

            • @TheAnonymouseJoker
              03 years ago

              Authoritarianism itself is not a wrong thing, because corrupt “liberals” and many others always assume according to Western media that authoritarianism comes with a corrupt moral conscience. However, every single Western democracy that is part of controlling this global narrative has showed us that they are the ones with corrupt moral conscience to the point they want to proxy control other countries. This is not just USA or UK I am talking about, which are infamous examples.

          • @lorabe
            13 years ago

            Couldn’t care less if they call me tankie.