We’re the tilde.fun collective, a small group of admins providing services for the public. Everyone can register an SSH account (currently with a mail to the admins, we also have a currently unused ssh registration script) and we provide the following services:

  • @alchemistswater
    53 years ago

    My favorite part of this announcement is that all the comments are people saying you should do it differently. I would assume the IRC setup question could be covered by the tilde.chat network? XMPP would be nice though!

    • Werwolf
      13 years ago

      Nah it’s just a recommendation since XMPP would suit better their purposes. But it seems like a great project

      • HelixOP
        23 years ago

        since XMPP would suit better their purposes.

        how do you know? :D

  • Rain
    43 years ago

    Registration submitted. Love this whole concept (including the use of matrix). Thanks for all of the services.

    • SeerLite
      73 years ago

      Just wait until you find out about the rest of the tildeverse. It’s amazing

  • Werwolf
    33 years ago

    It’s nice but it would be better if you self hosted XMPP since it’s fairly lighter to selfhost, especially for individuals and small communities. Matrix seems made for and by enterprises

    • HelixOP
      53 years ago

      We already host Matrix and it suits our purposes. The resource usage has gone down a lot since Synapse is being refactored for scalability and performance. I’d wager that if Dendrite ever sees the light of day, it wouldn’t be much more resource intensive than prosody.

      • @alchemistswater
        53 years ago

        I installed dendrite via docker on my 13 year old laptop… 2gb of RAM, 2 core CPU. Worked perfectly. Synapse was a push, but if they ever get dendrite up it’ll be amazing. Is there a list anywhere of what software you are running? I always enjoyed the message boards on the cli, and things like botany on those shared shells, but I haven’t bothered with them since I got my own vps. Might be nice to be social again.

        • DessalinesA
          43 years ago

          I’m super excited for dendrite.

        • HelixOP
          23 years ago

          Is there a list anywhere of what software you are running? I always enjoyed the message boards on the cli

          We ran a few of those services but nobody used them. Currently, it’s mostly SSH and web services. If you want something hosted, just ping an admin in matrix or via mail and we’ll try to get it up and running ASAP.

  • @someone
    3 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • HelixOP
      63 years ago

      Why IRC instead of Matrix? You’d need a bouncer to get messages when you’re not connected, you can’t really use rich text, federation is annoying and we already host Matrix.

      • @SirLotsaLocks
        43 years ago

        yeah imo matrix is better in most ways except for being lightweight, though that is also being worked on. irc has a place but for normal use I think matrix is better than irc.