• The Free Penguin
    552 years ago

    “Credible Sources” Like what? Radio Bourgeois Asia?

    • @201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
      102 years ago

      It means we weren’t openly calling for genocide against Russians and spitting bullshit about make believe war heros slaughtering droves of Russian “orcs” with a toothpick.

  • @AmazingObserver@lemmygrad.ml
    502 years ago

    information not supported by credible sources

    When reality doesn’t fit your state narrative, just declare reality as “no longer credible” lmao

    • They’re gonna start contradicting themselves real hard soon. Not that liberals will care, given their 30-second memory. Soon enough, the Nazis will be just some wholesome dudes who marched east to do “stuff”. Clean Wehrmacht myth part 2.

    • The collective amnesia or back-peddling on this whole mess is going to be fun to watch. “What do you mean i was always against Az battalion!” Ah who am I kidding they’re just going to double down hard.

    • @redsteel@lemmygrad.ml
      62 years ago

      When /r/FULLCOMMUNISM got quarantined the admins did something like that but with a link to some shitty anti-communist page equal to the Black Book in its honesty and credibility (i.e. none to speak of).

      The only “credible sources” to these despicable Western liberals and their handlers are those which support the hegemony and chauvinism they’ve been enjoying on the backs of the rest of the world for decades.

      • @aworldtowin
        32 years ago

        It was a link to something from Victims of Communism lol so blatant

  • @CoinOperatedBoi
    2 years ago

    Congrats, /r/GenZedong refugees. You’re officially participating in the dual power of the online left. If you aren’t a regular here already or you weren’t around for the banning of /r/ChapoTrapHouse as well as its hundreds of offshoot subs, please understand something. When that ban happened, Lemmy was very usable and pleasantly snappy, but it was also in its infancy in terms of moderation tooling and federation. Its flagship instance, while full of pleasant and informative people, still didn’t have nearly the amount of activity that it does today. If you want to point at something which is very specific to this moment in history, the disruption of corporate social media is here and Lemmy’s participation is not insignificant.

    Social media companies have enclosed the internet’s traditional cyberspaces for at least a decade, if not several. The internet, at its best, has always been a place for communities of practice to educate newcomers and old timers alike. And that process has produced countless hours of free labor for an ever-increasing fraction of humanity to enjoy. This is the commons that modern tech companies have enclosed: our ability to collaborate fluidly and freely with peers and without monetary compensation. And we’re taking it back slowly but surely.

    As communists we don’t have the ability to throw dead labor at a community and boost its growth by an order of magnitude overnight. Lucky for us, the capitalists keep doing it for us by quarantining and banning any sub which is sufficiently popular and insufficiently liberal. We all know shitposting is great for agitation and even sometimes for education. How to leverage these online spaces for impactful organizing is an open question that I would love to see a solution to in the next couple years. The sooner the better. We’re going to need it.

  • Bury The Right
    362 years ago

    Who could of guessed that liberals would prove yet again that their ideological intergity is more hollow and flimsy than wet cardboard.

  • Leah:)🏳️‍⚧️
    332 years ago

    I’m just suprised it lasted as long as it did. I’m gonna miss it but I’m also glad that everyone is going to be moving here because I hate reddit

    • @i_must_destroy@lemmygrad.ml
      172 years ago

      Same. I think people just needed a push to get over here. I imagine other communist and communist leaning subs will get the nukes soon too (or be overrun by libs)

  • @Calliope@lemmygrad.ml
    282 years ago

    I’m pretty ambivalent to Genzedong getting quarantined, everyone saw it coming with how the subreddit painted a target on its back and it was just a matter of when

    I feel like that gave some people kind of a destructive attitude as if the ship going down meant they had permission to bring buckets and help fill the boat with water. Constant comments of wishing for the death of normal Americans are a bit too far in my opinion. I’m by no means a social person (check my pfp), but someone being anti-social is counterintuitive to being a socialist. I won’t deny those could have been bad actors as that has happened before, but there were quite a few people just being fully misanthropic.

    I prefer lemmygrad so if more people start using it that is great. It is such a bonus to not only be off of Reddit but also to have separate communities under the same banner.

    Now a question has this platform become easier to use on mobile in the last year, I imagine that is a huge restriction to how much engagement this place can get?

    • Apple Juice
      232 years ago

      I mean we didn’t get quarantined for death threats, only for “misinformation”.

      • s1syphean
        52 years ago

        @Calliope@lemmygrad.ml may not be saying that the destructive attitude caused the quarantine, just that the destructive attitude was harmful and something that we would be better off without

    • @201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
      82 years ago

      I’m on mobile right now. Much nicer then reddits mobile. Easier to minimize comments I’ve already read. UI is less bulky

    • @aworldtowin
      12 years ago

      On android there is Jerboa and Lemmur, I slightly prefer the UI of Lemmur but it isn’t working right now, no one can log in. Definitely some getting used to since I’ve been using reddit for 6 years but totally functional and looks nice.

    • Navaryn
      102 years ago

      The plan is coming together

  • @supersolid_snake@lemmygrad.ml
    242 years ago

    I was sad after moretankiechapo and then genzedong, but I think we should strive to make this the new place as it is not under constant threat of being snitched on by libs who will argue for the free speech of fascists but never for socialists or communists.

    • @frippa
      42 years ago

      Less reddit you have more communism it is

      • This has been the plan for so long, though. Almost everyone that only used reddit for gzd ought to know we’re here now, by this point, and switching platforms is trivially easy.

        • @aworldtowin
          22 years ago

          I was pretty damn hesitant but as soon as it was quarantined I switched and am glad I did. GZD mods should pin a link to here if they haven’t already.

    • @DongFangHong@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      I’m guessing it’s just a matter of time, but it may be a while. I remember /r/ChapoTrapHouse staying quarantined for several months before finally getting banned.

    • @PorkrollPosadist@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      No community has ever had a quarantine revoked as far as I know, and Reddit’s director of policy came straight out of the Atlantic Council. (You get shadowbanned for pointing this out)

      In the case of r/ChapoTrapHouse, they (reddit admins, not the mods) rolled out a new “feature” where if you upvoted too many “violent” comments (basically, if you upvote wrongthink), you would catch a 3 day ban. They’d send you a PM explaining why you’re banned with a link to a deleted comment so you couldn’t even tell what upvote you’re being banned for. This system apparently disappeared from Reddit completely as soon r/ChapoTrapHouse and r/The_Donald were banned. I’ve never seen it or heard about it since.

      In other words, this shit is completely arbitrary. They are going to do whatever is in their material interest and all these PR statements are just pretext. In Reddit’s statement regarding our ban, they accused us of “breaking rules” without even citing a specific rule, after accusing r/The_Donald of promoting events which lead to people getting killed. At least we made the New York Times.

  • @ComradeDrav@lemmygrad.ml
    232 years ago

    SLS is having a fucking struggle session between supporting us and saying we deserved it.

    Fuck that sub (not any of the genzedong mods on it though)

  • hazel
    232 years ago

    i’m not gonna miss reddit. i’m gonna miss our giant community.

    i hope most can make it over here

    • NFT screenshotter
      152 years ago

      When CTH got completely banned enough people were able to hold out for hexbear long enough and with enough people where its still really active today. I believe GZD can do the same, especially since so far we’ve only been quarantined and not full on banned (yet)

      • @CoinOperatedBoi
        32 years ago

        As long as people can learn from r/CTH and migrate before the ban, most people will come. Ideally, the mods would pull a r/The_Donald and lock the sub with a sticky to move offsite pinned for the next month or so

        • NFT screenshotter
          72 years ago

          Ideally, the mods would pull a r/The_Donald and lock the sub with a sticky to move offsite pinned for the next month or so

          if we could get even a fraction of the users from reddit on lemmygrad we’d be able to achieve a significant self sustaining community out here without the concern of reddit admins looming over and banning us to defend actual nazis

          • User count is whatever. Activity is a much more useful metric. You can have a forum with 20 active users and it will be worth a lot more than a forum of 1000 inactive users. At the time r/CTH was banned, it was one of the most active communities per capita on Reddit. The site has remained active despite cutting off a zero from its original Reddit user count. GenZedong strikes me as the kind of community that can pull this off no problem. Especially considering the massive leap Lemmy has taken since the time r/CTH was banned.

          • @CoinOperatedBoi
            72 years ago

            Until we establish these spaces and ideally make them popular amongst people doing irl organizing, capital will keep us around while we’re useful and discard is when we’re not. Simple as.