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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2021


  • It was WAY less anti-communist than I’m used to. I felt like it acknowledged the anti-communist bent of many characters and it distorted Marxism somewhat, but on the whole? I felt like I was watching the same movie liberals were watching, and that’s rare. The most anti-communist characters in the movie were political enemies of the protagonist and I feel like the sense of unease they invoked was intentional on the part of the director. It felt like Nolan understood that Franco and the white army were fascists, and that the audience was meant at times to be cheering for people who had held membership in the Communist party. It could have been way worse.

  • That all human interactions are exchanges of value and to that define consent in such a way that it cannot be purchased is to define it in such a way that it’s totally useless as a word. If you eat meat, you’re a murderer, you buy from a capitalist enterprise you’re a slaver, you hire a sex worker, you’re a rapist-- but it doesn’t do anyone any good to throw words around that aren’t useful for predicting an agent’s future actions. Every relationship in which both sex and money are important, which is most of them, is some percentage prostitution-- and banning it deprives people of the ability to negotiate their relationships clearly. The inverse of its incidence should be used as a barometer of social progress, but in terms of actual policy it should be decriminalized. In “Make Way for Winged Eros”, Kollontai observes that aside from labor dereliction and attempting to leverage sex-love as a means of creating comradely bonds, there’s no basis for banning sex work. I think this follows from materialist epistemology in a very straightforward way.

  • Judaism with its doctrine of the jews as the “Chosen People” is an ethnosupremacist ideology. The promised land which was to be rid of philistines through divinely sanctioned genocide is the prototype for Manifest Destiny and Lebensraum. Devout Jews routinely oppose race mixing. The problem with ethnosupremacist ideologies is that there can be only one master race, so they must displace one another with severe prejudice. All men are created equal, and any ethnicity that refuses to accept that is going to provoke conflict until it gets delusions of supremacy beat out of it or ceases to exist.

    From the River to the Sea.