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      1 year ago

      My stance isn’t very common so I’m just gonna explain briefly.

      I have faith in the absence of god and reality of the material universe just like any religious person have faith in God. I rejected agnosticism because agnosticism rejects conviction. I feel closer to believers because I have a conviction about a metaphysical concept, therefore I can relate to them. When someones bless me by God’s name I feel their warmth and sincerity a lot more than when I was agnostic. I know what it is to believe.

      So paradoxically, my strong atheist philosophy got me more understanding to religious people!

      1 year ago

      Spirituality is the character of our relationships with other people and supernaturalism is orthogonal to it. Materialism is the basis for the inductive reasoning that both forces us to acknowledge the humanity of others and frees us from fear of omnipotent, vengeful, insecure, damaged, gaslighting, narcisisstic beings. It is therefore the foundation of correct spirituality.

      1 year ago

      I loosely follow Umbanda, a belief that originated in my country from the beliefs of the African slaves, the Natives and disguised as Catholicism. For example: When someone was praying to Saint George (a warrior saint), they were in fact praying to Ogum (the Orixá of metal works, tool-making, pathfinding and war).