• @AgreeableLandscape
    152 years ago

    People say “veganism is so expensive” as a carnist talking point, as if it’s a fault of veganism and not capitalism.

    • DessalinesA
      62 years ago

      Rice, beans, noodles, and veggies putting us in the poor house smdh.

        • DessalinesA
          2 years ago

          There’s no such thing as being “primarily vegan”. A reminder that this is a community for vegans only, so don’t participate here if you are a carnist.

          Also rice, potatoes, chickpeas, and tofu are some of the highest calorie per weight foods in existence.

          Fast food is not cheaper than staples under any circumstances.

            • DessalinesA
              12 years ago

              Nope, you either support animal commodification, or you don’t. Which is it?

              • @Stoned_Ape
                62 years ago

                Wouldn’t that result in a situation where people who are interested in becoming a vegan are not allowed here? That doesn’t strike me as helpful or positive towards more vegans, which seems to be an interest of yours.

                • @GenkiFeral
                  12 years ago

                  I am sure a few here could start an askveganism group. there is no law that we cannot be in both groups. If you create it, i’ll join and help answer questions.

                • DessalinesA
                  2 years ago

                  That’d be something like /c/askavegan or /c/askveganism. This isn’t a community to educate carnists, its a vegan-only community.

                  From the sidebar:

                  • We take for granted that if you enage in this community, you understand that veganism is about the animals. You either are vegan for the animals, or you are not (this is not to say that discussions about climate/environment/health are not allowed, of course)
                  • No omni/carnist apologists. This is not a place where to ask to be hand-holded into veganims. Omnis coddling/backpatting is not tolerated, nor are /r/DebateAVegan-like threads
            • DessalinesA
              12 years ago

              Yes, no bloodmouths / carnists allowed. Read the sidebar, rule 2.

              No omni/carnist apologists. This is not a place where to ask to be hand-holded into veganims. Omnis coddling/backpatting is not tolerated, nor are /r/DebateAVegan-like threads

              If you are interested in veganism, we can start an educational community, something like /c/askveganism. This is not that.

          • @GenkiFeral
            02 years ago

            per weight? water is heavy and that must be factored in. i’d target liquid oils way before targeting an innocent potato. I often used to eat plain microwaved potatoes with no salt, spice, fat/oil and was very thin.

    • @Stoned_Ape
      32 years ago

      Well, looking at prices of products marketed towards vegans in stores, it’s a valid assumption. Of course can you eat cheap if you’re cooking yourself, but if you want to buy ready made food, vegan products are expensive as hell. And yes, it is correct that this is because of capitalism, but it’s still true - for ready made food at least.

      • @NathanUp
        52 years ago

        Agreed; veganism is not at all more expensive if you cook, but the reality is that cooking requires, education, time, and energy that many people on low incomes do not have. This empathy is missing in vegan discourse; yes, veganism is a matter of life and death, but when you’re speaking to people who haven’t had / do not have the time, opportunity, or critical thinking skills to understand the philosophy and who are on the front-lines of capitalism, working long hours, coming home exhausted physically and mentally, and still living in poverty, bUt BeAnS aNd RiCe ThO just doesn’t cut it. IMHO, this is why vegan advocacy requires a holistic and intersectional approach. Meanwhile, if we do not practice empathy in our discourse, we just further marginalize people and look like elitists and zealots. Veganism and capitalism are incompatible, and praxis towards the former inevitably requires addressing the latter.

  • @NathanUp
    2 years ago

    Also, turns out it’s pretty easy to make the stuff at home; I do it all the time with a recipe I developed based on Modernist Pantry’s. I worked it out to $0.22 / oz, $3.45 / lb, or 20 burgers at: $0.87 each, not including added seasonings. Happy to post if anyone wants it.

    • @k_o_tM
      22 years ago

      that’s pretty cool :)

      do you by any chance know how to make something like this? i tried this once when i was in europe, and iirc it had relatively few ingredients, still tasted great

      • @NathanUp
        32 years ago

        saucestash does something like this, but it looks pretty tedious. Modernist Pantry has a recipe for nuggets using wheat protein that I haven’t tried yet, but I expect the texture will be quite different. That said, if I recall, the recipe calls for transglutaminase, which may create more of a cohesive, natural texture.

        • @k_o_tM
          22 years ago

          ty :)

          this does indeed seem somewhat complicated, prolly more so bc it’s hard to produce in a large quantity, but i’d definitely try making this

          i’ve seen a local version of this, which only uses soy powder or something equally trivial, so maybe there’s an easier way to do this 🤔

    • DessalinesA
      22 years ago

      I’d like that! I do the same, every 2 weeks or so making either vegan chicken or vegan steak, and using that in recipes. Obvi since its much cheaper, you can make huge batches.

      • @NathanUp
        32 years ago

        Here’s mine. A note on this; the methylcellulose quantity for the protein blend can be a little fiddly. I have one tablespoon that seems to work perfectly, and another that seems to dispense less. If you are unsure about this, I’d recommend trying to fry a small portion of the hydrated protein mixture in a pan, and add more methylcellulose, if necessary, before mixing in the fat. You can always add more later, but you’ll lose the texture in the fat with too much mixing.

        Pretend Beef Burger Meat

        Yields: ~4lbs

        Ingredients: Marbling Fat

        Ingredient Amt.
        Water .25 Cup + 3 Tbsp
        Methylcellulose HV 1 Tsp
        Refined Coconut Oil, Melted 1.25 Cup + 2 Tbsp

        Method: Marbling Fat

        1. Blend together water and methylcellulose
        2. Season if you like (Salt, MSG, and maybe a touch of liquid smoke)
        3. Slowly emulsify coconut oil into mixture (Blender or food processor with emulsifying disk really helps here)
        4. Separate finished fat into four equally sized portions ( I use half quart deli containers)
        5. Refrigerate until solid

        Ingredients: Protein Blend

        Ingredient Amt.
        TVP 4 Cup
        Beet Powder 1 Tbsp
        Cocoa Powder 1Tbsp + 1Tsp
        Nutritional Yeast 6Tbsp
        Faba Bean Protein 1 Cup
        Methylcellulose HV 5 Tbsp + 1 Tsp
        Water 6 Cup
        Liquid Aminos / Soy Sauce 4 Tbsp

        Method: Protein Blend

        1. Mix dry ingredients
        2. Season to taste ( I use black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, MSG & salt)
        3. Mix wet ingredients
        4. Combine all
        5. Let sit in fridge overnight
        6. Grate 1/2 container of marbling fat into protein blend and mix well (food processor is best, if you have it, as this will keep the temperature low while grating)
        7. Grate remaining 1/2 of marbling fat into protein blend and fold in gently

        Works for burgers, meatballs, meatloaf, sausages, et cetera. To keep from sticking to burger presses, meat-ball tongs, etc, dip the tools in water between uses.

        • DessalinesA
          12 years ago

          That looks pretty legit, I’ve never heard of Methylcellulose, I’ll have to look that up.

      • @NathanUp
        22 years ago

        What recipes do you use?

        • DessalinesA
          42 years ago

          I’ve refined these a bit, but here’s the base recipes. The main special ingredient is vital wheat gluten, which you can tune to make the consistency you want.

          • Vegan Chicken . The main difference with this one is I use chickpeas instead of jackfruit as the base, still works well.
          • Vegan Steak
  • @k_o_tM
    32 years ago

    yikes this thread 😬

    def need like a /r/debateveganism or smth 😬

    • DessalinesA
      12 years ago

      Def an /c/askavegan or /c/askveganism would be helpful. The “debate” communities on reddit are almost always pointless and unhelpful discourse.

  • @newt
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • @sexy_peach@feddit.deOP
      22 years ago

      They already make animal shaped nuggies, I think I remember reading about vegan dinosaur nuggets sold in the US and Europe.

      • @newt
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator