This is horrible and terrible. Just suspend new subscription untill you find a way to address this thing. Now we have gore image too. Please just shut down new subscriptions for now, those trolls attacks are completely out of control

    112 years ago

    A problem that can easily be solved with more mods :) Lemmy has grown a lot lately so I consider this a growing pain.

  • @Belaptir
    2 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • JamaOP
      82 years ago

      I only report posts (even if sometimes an error just appear) and don’t feed any troll, but this mess is unbelievable

    • JamaOP
      12 years ago

      So are those trolls that were not banned yesterday? Awesome

  • @Peter1986c
    32 years ago

    I might want to say I am willing to be a mod (I live in the CET tz, btw), although I am not entirely certain I would be (good) mod material. I would not mind giving that a try though.

  • @TheAnonymouseJoker
    02 years ago

    Are you proposing a solution to make Lemmy as irrelevant as private torrent tracker sites that have interviews? Reddit also gets an influx, and Lemmy is not even getting 1/100th of the traffic.

    Lemmy needs extra active moderators from different time zones. Think Middle East, South Asia or Far East.

    • JamaOP
      12 years ago

      “Untill you find a solution”. I never implied to shut down subscription forever, of course

  • Vegafjord eo
    -72 years ago

    Mastodon can enable a feature where you have to write the reason you want to join. That could solve a lot of these problems.

    If this continues, I will leave the site.

    • DessalinesA
      132 years ago

      We’re not perfect, just doing the best we can. If you demand that we are, I suggest you leave right now, because we can never be perfect.