Rob Braxman a privacy advocate. This is his channel . He claims to be one of the top most creators on Odysee. I have heard people say that he doesn’t really know what he is talking about and its best to not watch his videos. He also runs a company that sells degoogled phones and VPN devices and a social network site What do you think?

  • @TheAnonymouseJoker
    3 years ago

    He shills his VPN after he fearmongers people with his videos. Typical salesman strategy. Do not bother. Most of the times he knows jackshit about how things work.

    Techlore is infinitely better in every respect, as are The Hated One, Wolfgang, Mental Outlaw, Sun Knudsen, Bazzell’s podcast and so on.

    • @poVoq
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker
        23 years ago

        The problem is the fearmongering he does before presenting you with a VPN solution which he profits from. Conflict of interest.

        • @poVoq
          1 year ago

          deleted by creator

          • @TheAnonymouseJoker
            3 years ago

            I can tell this is true. Most other VPNs are snake oil with fancy marketing.

    • @someone
      3 years ago

      deleted by creator

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker
        3 years ago

        Why is THO political? I have not seen such opinions on his videos. Though to be honest, I create privacy content myself as an advocate in the form of guides and writeups, so I am not a religious consumer of these creators and YouTubers.

        Bazzell’s podcast is the Privacy, Security and OSINT Show on Soundcloud, and he releases a book on the same.

        • ghost_laptop
          23 years ago

          His first videos are a lot more political and he is super anti-China because of how they handle internet stuffs.

          • @TheAnonymouseJoker
            3 years ago

            Even I have criticism of China, in regards with privacy and anonymity, but I am not at all Sinophobic, but advocate against this group racism. Is THO Sinophobic, or merely a critic regarding anonymity and privacy culture?

            Genuine question. I am sure you know my stance on China.

            Also, link me or show me said content by THO. I would love to take a look and notice any questionable stuff, and when it was done. I can correct my stance if I find myself wrong.

            • ghost_laptop
              13 years ago

              I don’t know if I would consider a sinophobic, if I remember correctly he is kind of okay with Russia for example so I think he is against West hegemony, I never have heard anything about his politics except criticizing China for privacy (I think he also considers it an authoritarian regime), but that is all I have heard. I can’t tell you which video because he mentioned while speaking of something else, and I don’t remember which one was. He said something like China’s model [regarding privacy] could be exported to other countries, which IMO is wrong because the model started with the panopticon in Europe and post-9/11 USA policies.

              • @TheAnonymouseJoker
                3 years ago

                Well to be honest, in dictionary terms, China’s system somewhat tips the line between liberal and authoritarian polarities, with an authoritarian leaning. But this is not the kind of stuff that dishonest Western media extrapolates and feeds lies about what socialist state governance means.

                Authoritarian governance would simply mean that the government is a central body that governs the state, and in that sense, no government really can be non authoritarian. A liberal decentralised government is some kind of anarchist or feudal type of system, one popular model of this type being direct democracy, which can never work beyond populations of tiny villages.

                I think the last line you mention is a bit of a stubborn misunderstanding that lies with the European or MEA anarchists or anti-government sentiment bearing hardcore believers of individual civil rights and individual privacy. The people that believe this have a noble cause and are very paranoid about dystopian kind of surveillance systems that West has, and they fear inside that a centralised government is more dangerous in that respect.

                Edit: noticed someone downvoted you to try and create rift possibly

          • @TheAnonymouseJoker
            3 years ago

            How far back? I am not into any kind of needless drama fetish, honestly lol. If you can be a little more specific, I can atleast feel motivated to dig deeper. I am not shy of any pastime investigations.