Accelerate to the future. Privacy is fundamental.

  • ghost_laptop
    23 years ago

    Well, that doesn’t really matter since they don’t store anything, so if they would get subpoenaed they couldn’t give anything of value. If laws change and they force to have backdoors, well, that’s another story but until then that’s not a valid argument.

    • @nutomicA
      53 years ago

      The problem is that their app is only distributed through the Google and Apple app stores, so for the average users its impossible if what they install actually matches the source code. And they dont allow distribution through F-Droid (which compiles directly from source). An agency like the CIA could easily serve a malicious Signal update to a specific user.

        • @nutomicA
          33 years ago

          I’m talking about Signal.

          • @roastpotatothief
            3 years ago

            Oh right, so that’s a strong argument for telegram being safer than signal. That really bucks the conventional wisdom.

              03 years ago

              Telegram is NOT safer than signal. When you start using it your mom will and they won’t use encrypted chats because telegram makes them not default… It’s a terrible messenger

      • ghost_laptop
        23 years ago

        I think that the CIA would do that with very specific people, it’s not like it’s going to be wasting attacks at random, and that people should probably download the .apk from Signal’s website or use something more anonymous, like Briar.

        • @nutomicA
          23 years ago

          We dont know that, and personally I wont take the chance. Downloading from their website is even more insecure by the way,

          • @iszomer
            3 years ago

            deleted by creator

          13 years ago

          They would do that with specific people, but atm it’s just safer to not use a smartphone at all if you think you are a target for that kind of thing - telegram for sure isn’t better