I got banned from reddit (honestly feel a lot better without it)

But I miss being able to answer stupid questions and relationship questions.

Lemmy is great, but why aren’t there that many people on here? I don’t get it.

An I using my filters wrong or something?

  • bkrl
    2 years ago

    To be honest Reddit shows more tits and big asses than Lemmy. Maybe people have some issue to leave that Paradise. 🤭

        • @nachtigall@feddit.de
          2 years ago

          I don’t even think it would be too bad to mix it on a server since users have the possibilities to block whole communities (in contrast to servers which can only be done by admins for all users). Though I find your concern regarding moderation relatable. Maybe a feature for the admin panel would be nice where you can specify comminities/servers that are not shown in the All timeline or where all posts are marked as NSFW by default (if there is not such a feature yet)

      • TimothyMcFuck OP
        02 years ago

        How would you make one? What exactly is an instance? I think a dm or chat room and voice chat room sound good to

        • @graphito@beehaw.org
          62 years ago

          Instance is a website running Lemmy. Most of such websites connected with each other in such way so users can chat and see posts without reregistering on each separate instance. That’s how I (registered on beehaw.org) can see your posts and chat with you.

      • comfy
        42 years ago

        lemmy.ml has a no-porn rule, I don’t know about the other ones but I haven’t seen a porn community yet.