Today marks my first day on lemmy after leaving Reddit after 3 years, I already like the platform I just wish their was a mobile app, and wish the mobile web support was a bit more polished but i understand it’s still in it’s earlier stages

  • @mishuri
    4 years ago

    I hate to break the circlejerk but Reddit is still better than Lemmy in many ways, often Lemmy is a disappointing step backwards. Reddit is:

    • Better UX and web-design. The content looks much nicer and more pleasant to read and follow.
    • JS free.
    • Great mobile support. I’m using Boost and it’s brilliant browsing experience.
    • Indexable, means you can use search engine to search reddit rather than rely and hope sites search is working.
    • Bigger communities, you can find subreddit for almost every niche.
    • Better media support.
    • Porn, reddit is brilliant for exploring pornographic fetishes and I hope there’s a pornographic lemmy instance in the future.
    • Weirdly enough Reddit feels more free sometimes.
    • Huge enhancement community ranging from greasemonkey scripts to whole addon suites (e.g. RES)

    The only negatives are:

    • Mainstream reddit propaganda and astroturfing, however if you avoid major subreddits and stick to niche forums as it was intended with the platform you’ll be fine.
    • Draconic administration that bans a bunch of perfectly fine subreddits, though this isntance of lemmy isn’t much better.
    • Hides down-voted comments and secret modlog (though there are 3rd party open modlogs out there).
    • 6 month archive kills a lot of long-term threads.
    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      94 years ago

      I find the new Reddit redesign to be strictly worse, and it’s also Js heavy. I expect that eventually they’ll get rid of the original design since it’s a maintenance cost. I also find the way Reddit handles media is pretty annoying. It makes it difficult to download it for one. It’s also not possible to put media in comments.

      • @mishuri
        64 years ago

        I expect that eventually they’ll get rid of the original design since it’s a maintenance cost

        Good, just wait for lemmy’s federation support and then they’ll be signing their own gravestone 😆
        People have been itching to leave reddit since redesign now.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
          44 years ago

          Yeah, once the old UI goes away I can’t see myself using Reddit. I do think Lemmy is a natural alternative since it has a very similar UX to the old Reddit. I’m pretty excited about federation as well, looks like it’s pretty far along at this point.

      • Ephera
        24 years ago

        I mean, the redesign does work better on mobile. Except that it constantly tries to get you to use their app. And they’ve been doing bullshit, like not letting you view random subreddits without logging in.

      • @AgreeableLandscape
        14 years ago

        Reddit has said that they plan on continuing to provide the old design, take that how you will. However, they did point out that really old clients like and the old alien blue app still work even if it’s not being developed any more.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
          14 years ago

          It’ll likely depend on the ratio of the users that go to the old style compared to the cost of maintenance.

          • @AgreeableLandscape
            04 years ago

            Why is why I mentioned alien blue and They’re both really old at this point and I doubt a lot of people use them, but they can at least still access the site. To their creddit (ba dum tss), Reddit does seem to have a lot of backwards compatibility. I have also never heard of an old third party Reddit client suddenly breaking because Reddit changed their API, like is a problem with YouTube for example.

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
              24 years ago

              Yeah, I use Slide and it works pretty well. I do agree that Reddit actually has a pretty decent API that’s stayed stable over the years.

    • @anonaddy29OP
      84 years ago

      gotta understand lemmy is still a beta, and has a lot of potential moving forward. Although you are right about reddit having a better UX and web-design, but subs come with users, the more users the subs. Adoption only happens with pioneers. But one field lemmy does do good is privacy as it’s decentralized and soon to be connected to fediverse

      • @ketchup
        24 years ago

        Adoption only happens with pioneers

        Well said!
        Personally I think lemmy managed quite well to keep their politics under soft-wraps so to speak. The “empire” conspiracies rarely end up on front-page. I think of all reddit clones Lemmy has the best chance and it’s nice to see it unfold!

        I hope the maintainers find the strength to continue with this and launch federation soon — that’ll be huge for the platform. I really liked Prismo but it never managed to launch federation support, hopefully Lemmy managed to cross this step.

        Regarding UX I already wrote few greasemonkey improvements that make it a much better experience. I see few issues on github already but it seems to be low priority so maybe I should make my scripts sharable with other users 🤔

        • @anonaddy29OP
          24 years ago

          yeah i’m really hoping to see lemmy succeed to, it’s always hard for early starting projects cause a big deal breaker is funding. And you can’t get funding if their is no user base. The best way to get user base is through influencers though get 1 influencer on the platform the rest follow like sheep

          • @jsgohac
            34 years ago

            what kind of funding do you mean? I hope this remains true for the life of lemmy:

            Lemmy is free, open-source software, with no advertising, monetizing, or venture capital, ever.

            also, do we really want influencers and sheep?

            • @anonaddy29OP
              24 years ago

              Funding to keep the project alive, everything costs money. And yes influencers bring people and people talk to people and so on.

              • @ajz
                2 years ago

                deleted by creator

              • @jsgohac
                24 years ago

                The tildes model (though invite only) seems appealing … here is a breakdown of their costs and donations:


                and on tildes potential lack of funding

                What if you don’t get enough donations to run the site full-time?

                One of the best parts about avoiding venture capital and other forms of investment is that there’s no pressure. Tildes doesn’t have to reach certain thresholds of traffic or revenue to prevent shutting down. The worst case is just that I end up running Tildes as a side project, and hope that it eventually grows to a point where it’s sustainable to work on full-time.

                granted, one main goal for lemmy is federation so approaches may vary, but in any event an influencers sheeple eyeballs revenue VC model is not the only one

        • @koalp
          1 year ago

          deleted by creator

        • @stevo
          14 years ago

          Yes plz share those scripts! - I think lemmy users are willing to tolerate the rough edges because they see something that could be viable long term. I think we have all witnessed really silly censorship that has been going on at reddit, but also the pros when it comes to removing racist & extremist content. I think federation is the right way to go because it means you dont have to take an absolute side but the community can find its happy medium.

    • @k_o_t
      4 years ago

      Better UX and web-design. The content looks much nicer and more pleasant to read and follow.

      JS free.


      • @PureTryOut
        24 years ago

        It’s a subjective thing, but I do agree with them that JS free makes for a better experience. I can definitely understand people not agreeing with it though.

          • Ephera
            14 years ago

            I like, how we struggle to communicate what Reddit even is, because a number of people seem to have just completely repressed the existence of the redesign.

          • @PureTryOut
            14 years ago

            It sounds like he is saying you can’t be JS free and have a better UX though :thinking face:

      • @mishuri
        14 years ago

        old.reddit which is still perfectly functional has better UX and is JS free.

        • @omac777_1967
          3 years ago

 is more efficient than in terms of layout the screen real estate. I scroll less and see more text and text is what I came to reddit in the first place for to read. If I want pics I open up new tab related to the topic at hand.

          With that said. If my opinions don’t matter on reddit as being deleted/censored for whatever reason, that is my cue I must move on to another alternative. I hope will be more welcoming and let users participate and express themselves. Communication is key to resolving issues in our communities. Some people believe it elevates or escalates to use of force, but never did I express such an opinion yet Reddit censored me. So yes I believe there are many moderating injustices being done on reddit.

          Thank you for listening.

    • @bluefish009
      04 years ago

      technology is nothing, important is mind.