Today marks my first day on lemmy after leaving Reddit after 3 years, I already like the platform I just wish their was a mobile app, and wish the mobile web support was a bit more polished but i understand it’s still in it’s earlier stages

  • @mishuri
    64 years ago

    I expect that eventually they’ll get rid of the original design since it’s a maintenance cost

    Good, just wait for lemmy’s federation support and then they’ll be signing their own gravestone 😆
    People have been itching to leave reddit since redesign now.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      44 years ago

      Yeah, once the old UI goes away I can’t see myself using Reddit. I do think Lemmy is a natural alternative since it has a very similar UX to the old Reddit. I’m pretty excited about federation as well, looks like it’s pretty far along at this point.