Wenn das im Geschichtsbuch stehen würde, hätte mich nur gewundert, dass es ein Flugticket und kein Zugticket ist.
Wenn das im Geschichtsbuch stehen würde, hätte mich nur gewundert, dass es ein Flugticket und kein Zugticket ist.
Here in Germany, 5 minutes of leaving your car would not count as “parking”. It’d still be in the realm of just “stopping” your car. If you walk away from your car like the defendant did, then it can be viewed differently, but in practice, it still means that no one’s mad enough to try to fine you in that time.
Valve hat zumindest echt so ein bisschen eine Marktlücke etabliert. Und ich kann mir schon gut vorstellen, dass einige Leute gerne den Tower-PC einmotten, wenn sie mit einem Handheld ähnliche Spiele spielen können. Für viele Anwender reicht ja mittlerweile ein Browser und das Handy, um die allermeisten Sachen zu machen.
To be honest, I don’t even know the exact differences.
I do like that RFC 3339 allows you to write it like this:
2020-12-09 16:09:53
Whereas ISO 8601 requires it to be written like this:
But the main reason RFC 3339 is better, is this: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3339
Yes, that is the whole RFC. I’m not linking that to be funny.
I’m linking it, because this is the closest I can show you to ISO 8601: https://www.iso.org/standard/70907.html
A fucking paywall. I couldn’t know the exact differences between the two, because I cannot read the latter.
Actually, RFC 3339 is better. 🙃
If 1027 would be Hella, would 10-27 then be Hello? 🙃
Decency or even legality. If Zuck knowingly hosts hate speech, you don’t want that federated onto your platform or you can be sued, too.
And if you’re wondering, what the hell, if there’s no overloading, how do you even design an API???
You’ll learn about the From
and Into
traits, which allow you to take multiple types for a parameter, because those traits implement the conversion between those types.
Gotta love the pictures. On most of them, you just can’t see what the effect would actually look like. And then where you would be able to see it, you’ve got the suitcase monitors being used to look at the wallpaper and a needlessly fullscreened voice call, as well as the touchscreen being used to display basically just static information. 🙃
When you click a YouTube link in an app, it doesn’t either give you the prompt to open Tubular, does it (now that you’ve cleared the default)?
Another rather hacky idea, is to use UntrackMe: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/app.fedilab.nitterizeme/ If your OS allows you to select UntrackMe as the default app for YouTube, then that should allow you to manually select Tubular in the UntrackMe app picker.
But yeah, it sounds to me like your OS is borked or maybe somehow locked down by your school.
Each app declares the links it supports in its AndroidManifest.xml
file, which seems to work correctly for Tubular, given your phone detects it. When you click a link in an app, this app sends a so-called “Intent” to the Android System, which the Android System then checks and sees that the app is trying to open a link and that it happens to be a youtube.com-link.
Then Android either already knows the default app to use for YouTube links or it presents you an app chooser with a list of apps that support these kind of links. But yeah, that won’t work, if it fails to read the list of supported links from the AndroidManifest.xml
in the first place, which is what it looks like, since that settings entry should simply show what’s declared in the AndroidManifest.xml
Well, I guess, I took it as “cook well”, because the meme didn’t say “home-cooked food is fucking amazing”. So, if you’re able to prepare some other food, you’re probably able to microwave some beans.
I think, I once had it that another app had already registered being the default for all those links and that’s why they wouldn’t show up for another app. So, maybe you have to clear the default-association for the YouTube app?
If you do this: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/create-desktop-shortcut-website
…and then edit the created shortcut to add “–new-window” as argument, does that work?
Maybe you can even drag the shortcut onto the Windows Taskbar…?
I enjoy this one: https://video.thepolarbear.co.uk/a/chris/video-channels
It’s mostly just two dudes having a bit of a chat and/or playing games. I mainly like that they do it for the fun of it, not because they desperately try to grow an audience to make money off of it. Feels a lot like early Youtube.
Umso realistischer Spiele werden, umso bekloppter finde ich solche Aussagen. Wenn ich etwas realistisches sehen wöllte, dann würde ich die Realität anschauen. Aber den Schmarren muss ich jetzt schon einen Großteil des Tages sehen, also will ich es tatsächlich nicht noch mehr sehen.
Yesterday, I took some pre-cooked white beans from a jar, microwaved them with a bit of saltwater for like a minute, and threw them on top of a boring iceberg salad with just a mundane mustard dressing. Those beans pulled all of the weight to turn that from, well, a salad to me wanting to go for more.
So, I guess, I disagree. You really don’t need to know how to cook either.
Personally, I do find the morality relevant to my motivation, so I like to imagine that I’m also able to get to a better-paid position that way.
But other factors can obviously affect that, too. I am still at my first, can’t-be-picky job, because I like the team. Well, and because I’m not actively doing bad, since all our projects get cancelled for nonsense political reasons anyways. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It’s so wild to me, how long the guy spent trying to rebrand as some 90s hip-hop guy, only for him to rebrand as a nazi in like a day.
Finde die du-musst-9±Stunden-durchgehend-wach-sein Kultur total bekloppt. Ich bekomme es oft nicht hin, in der Nacht voll auszuschlafen, weil ich Schlafprobleme habe, wie wahrscheinlich sehr viele Menschen. Wenn man das fünf Tage in Folge durchzieht, ohne irgendwann mal ein Nickerchen einlegen zu können, dann ist man am fünften Tag einfach nicht mehr leistungsfähig. Mit Home-Office kann ich eher mal eine verlängerte Mittagspause mit Nickerchen einlegen, um dem Schlafmangel entgegenzuwirken, wobei’s da leider auch oft die Erwartungshaltung gibt, dass man um Punkt 13 Uhr wieder auf der Matte steht.