Hi fellow comrades, I’m not you, but I often dream of the end of the COVID19, and people jusr learned and decided to riot, create union, try to make a better society. I’m a french fellow, and I got the impression that this b*tch Macron made everything wrong, this time the capitalist pigs will see the people anger! Is it just dream? AM I naiv?

  • @poVoq
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • @WuxinGoat
      43 years ago

      totally agree with you, people who expect an end to this are in for a shock. plus we should expect more frequent pandemics due to deforestation driving species closer together. we’ll need to learn survive and operate on this terrain.

  • @Nevar
    3 years ago

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  • @rockroach
    3 years ago

    Yes it is just a dream, but when we dream together we(slowly) change reality. We can create unions, join an org and help each other we can also support people who are struggling and keep going on.

    De temps en temps il arrive bien un jeune homme qui rêve tambours et barricades, et qui vient chercher des scènes à sensation, mais qui déserte la cause du peuple dès qu’il s’aperçoit que la route de la barricade est longue, que le travail est pénible et que sur cette route les couronnes de laurier qu’il rêve de conquérir sont mêlées d’épines. Le plus souvent, ce sont des ambitieux inassouvis, qui, après avoir échoué dans leurs premières tentatives, cherchent à capter les suffrages du peuple, mais qui plus tard seront les premiers à tonner contre lui, dès qu’il voudra appliquer les principes qu’ils ont eux-mêmes professés, peut-être même feront braquer les canons contre le prolétaire s’il ose bouger avant que, eux, les chefs de file, en aient donné le signal.

    Aux jeunes gens - Pierre Kropotkine

    I wouldn’t say it’s naïve, but it’s a long road, it takes time and work to build conditions that allow us to fight.

    english translation for Kropotkin’s text:

    Now and then, it is true, a young man comes among us who dreams of drums and barricades and seeks sensational scenes, but he deserts the cause of the people as soon as he perceives that the road to the barricade is long, that the work is heavy, and that the crowns of laurel to be won in the campaign are intermingled with thorns. Generally these are ambitious schemers, out of work, who, having failed in their first efforts, try in this way to cajole people out of their votes, but who a little later will be the first to denounce them when the people wish to apply the principles which they themselves have professed; perhaps will even be ready to turn artillery and Gatlings upon them if they dare to move before they, the heads of the movement, give the signal.

    appeal to the young

  • @pip@lemmy.161.social
    33 years ago

    covid is not stopping anytime soon, so just revolt now.

    revolution is not only the armed struggle of the masses against systems of oppression but also the daily fight against the way our current world is structured. organizing with your neighbors is revolution, supporting the homeless is revolution, stealing from work for your affinity group is revolution, teaching something to friends is revolution.

  • @x39ay@lemmy.161.social
    33 years ago

    Was thinking the same for some months now. I dont know, if theres a chance to go back what we know as “normal life” but if so, I could imagine that many people would be ready to do new things. Nothings normal at the moment and many people suffer from this pandemic and if those people learn where their suffering is coming from they might be ready to change something about it. Take action!

  • 10_0
    23 years ago

    i dont think covid will force people to revolt against the system, because one: its that same system thats gonna cure them, and two: covid isnt a big enough problem by itself, there would need to be atleast two more MAJOR problems with the system to prompt revalution.

  • samuraikid
    13 years ago

    i guess 4 people are too scared to move a finger

  • samuraikid
    3 years ago

    Vaccines will not get you out of take the fake covid (Flu) you never had a test to a flu and now you have the covid tests

  • @dragonX
    3 years ago

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    • @otso
      7 months ago

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      • @dragonX
        3 years ago

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        • I think capitalism agrees with fundamentalism, because it defends the idea that no change is possible and thus capitalism will ever prevail, has somewhat prevailed in the past (as past societal stages lead inevitably to capitalism) and that whatever new social structure we have will be capitalism renewed. So, IMO, fundamentalism is a capitalist ideology.

          • @ttmrichter
            13 years ago

            So this is what word salad tastes like.

          • @dragonX
            3 years ago

            deleted by creator

  • samuraikid
    -113 years ago

    And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

    Apocalipse 20:10

    • 10_0
      23 years ago

      (not bible canon btw)