Can I add myself to the Victims of Communism list?

    • JucheBot1988OP
      252 years ago

      Dear sirs,

      I am a victim of the CCP who wishes to share my story with you. Recently at work I was forced to use equipment made in Red China; when I pointed out to my boss that the machine in question, which used a minimally-guarded tension mechanism to drive two sharpened metal points against a simple contact plate, was unsafe, I was laughed at and told that “everybody uses these things.” Sure enough, as I worked to remove a jam (as happens very frequently with these Chinese-made machines) the main lever assembly came down and the metal point pierced my finger. We need to speak out against the infiltration of Chinese technology into our great Country!

      Sincerely, JucheBot1988

        • @aworldtowin
          212 years ago

          Imagine how those same liberals would react if while Obama was president some Chinese dude was going on calling Obama racial insults. They’re only anti-racist aesthetically.

    2 years ago

    I think you have a legitimate grievance. This could spell the end of the CCP. If you want to take this further, the next steps would be to choose a revolution colour and then get in touch with the NED.

    edit: also, get a photo of yourself looking solemn and holding out your finger. Then when we all go out and protest we can hold out fingers in unity and it’ll be like a thing that people can do. We can pay the biggest influencers to make it a thing on IG and TikTok.

    edit edit: wait, don’t just hold out one finger. If you really want to make this work, you’re going to need to staple all the other fingers on that hand. Make it look like China’s fault. Then we can all hold our whole hands as the solidarity symbol. Arm and palm out straight, palm flat and face down, slightly raised angle. It’ll show our oppressors that we mean business.

    edit edit edit: once we get enough internet clout we could get Hugo Boss to design the protest uniforms.

    edit edit edit edit: ‘Hefter’ is the German word for stapler. Thoughts on ‘Weil Hefter’ (‘because stapler’) as a protest slogan when we do that protest salute?

    • JucheBot1988OP
      92 years ago

      Thank you for your advice. I think that Weil Hefter is perfect as a protest slogan, am considering pairing it up with “because we need space to live,” on posters (in deference to the many peoples persecuted by the Han nationalist evil CCP).

      Am also thinking that to show we only hate the government, not the people, we choose an ancient Buddhist sun symbol, and to avoid cultural appropriation, do kind of a mirror image thing and then tilt it at 45 degrees. What do you think?

        62 years ago

        Since some of us really like Bernie Sanders, I suggest we put “Socialist” in our party’s name so as to not unnecessarily alienate them. How does “National Socialist Party” sound to you?

        • JucheBot1988OP
          2 years ago

          Good, but I think we can do even better. Let’s put “workers” in there, so everyone can be absolutely we’re supporting everyday Chinese people, not the government. Also “German,” since we want China to become a liberal democracy, and everybody agrees that Germany is the closest thing to an ideal liberal democracy that currently exists.

          I present you: the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Take that, CCP!

  • Marxism-Fennekinism
    2 years ago

    I was born in China. Those barbarians cut open my mother’s belly and ripped me out just to dehumanize us. Then they sewed her wound closed to cover up their atrocity. They even made us stay for days in the “hospital” for “monitoring” and gave my mother “antibiotics” and “painkillers”.

    And they had the audacity to say stuff like “we’re doing an emergency c-section” and “you can’t have a natural birth, the baby’s head is too big and it would be extremely unsafe” as if that wasn’t in defiance of the LORD’s will. What a bunch of soulless Asiatic orcs!

    • JucheBot1988OP
      2 years ago

      I looked up “c-section”, and found it stands for “Cesarean section,” named (of course) after noted genocidal conqueror JULIUS CAESAR! China truly has ambitions to rule the world!

    102 years ago

    That’s 19,283,737 more victims of communism and Uyghurs genocided by the Cici’s Pizza right there… What an evil ideology 😔😔😔

    2 years ago

    No, that would be very selfish of you and unfair to all the people who made, transported, and sold the staple, who all share your pain through human empathy and as such are equally worthy of being in the list of Victims of Communism.

    Also, this is a genocide and anyone who disagrees you stapling your finger is genocide is a genocide denier.

    • JucheBot1988OP
      2 years ago

      You know, you’re right. We should probably add the entire production chain to the list. (In the spirit of Adrian Zenz, I’m gonna say that’s, oh, 80% of the population – 88 just to be sure)