I remember the other day, someone asked about NATO and was not very aware of who they were or what they do. We might think all communists are aware of such an important transnational military organisation, but we all had to start somewhere. With this in mind, I’m hoping to explain what NATO really is.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation was founded shortly after WW2, in 1949, in the context of the Cold War (really an anticommunist venture against the USSR like we’d seen many before).

The founding members were notably the USA, UK and France. In total 10 European countries joined NATO at its founding.

If you believe NATO, their goal is to safeguard the sovereignty of their members by invoking a mutual defence treaty.

In truth, and this was never unknown internally, the goal of NATO was to provoke the USSR into war. Even back in the 50s NATO readily admitted their goal was to help against an invasion of Europe by the USSR, something which the USSR was never interested in.

When that goal did not materialize, NATO, the “defensive” organisation, organised fascist paramilitaries around Europe, especially in Italy, to provoke tensions. In Italy, they were known as Operation Gladio, which encompasses all operations from NATO in Italy.

It’s no wonder then that the first general of NATO was an ex-nazi (Adolf Heusinger). Many more Nazis were later switched to NATO, such as Reinhard Gehlen or Albert Schnez.

With the United States as its biggest sponsor, it’s no wonder NATO is just a continuation of American foreign policy. For example, NATO troops were in Afghanistan starting in 2003. Which country of their “defence treaty” were they protecting? Afghanistan was not a member. Somalia was not a member either in 2009, when NATO invaded their country. NATO was present during the colour revolution in Libya in 2011. Yet if you listen to NATO and its liberal defenders, the organisation is solely focused on mutual defence.

In fact, new members of NATO are strictly European (+ Turkey since 1952, depending on your definition of Europe). Apart from the US and Canada, no non-European countries are members of NATO.

This American sovereignty over NATO even led France to leave the organisation in 1966, only to later come back under another president.

The big question that must be on everyone’s mind now: how does NATO tie in to the Russia-Ukraine war?

NATO promised the USSR, the ancestor of the Russian Federation, that they would not “move eastwards”, meaning they would not allow members to join past Germany (or West Germany at the time).

However, they did just that after the illegal dissolution of the Soviet Union : most of Eastern Europe joined after the dissolution in huge waves.

NATO installs bases in most of their members’ territories, and these are usually filled with US soldiers because the US is the biggest sponsor of NATO. Other military presence is always guaranteed. For example :

Russia, knowing the history of NATO and that they broke their promise of not moving east, saw the writing on the wall with Ukraine.

NATO has no more reason to exist as the USSR does not exist any more. However, they (North America and Western Europe) possess an incredible tool for imperialism that they can deploy against their enemies. This is the reason NATO exists today. NATO has nothing to do with self-defence; as we saw, they invaded countries they had no business invading. It’s all about being deployed for regime-change, pro-status quo and pro-imperialist ventures.

  • JohnBrownEnjoyer@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    I seriously don’t understand how people call NATO a “defensive alliance”. What the fuck have they ever defended themselves from? On the contrary, all they do is attack.

    The only thing it “defends” is American imperialist interests.

    • supersolid_snake@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      NATO was all the white supremacist nations getting together after wwii and going “why are we fighting each other, we are all white… Let’s kill and take stuff from the darkies and slavs”

    • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      There was literally one single case when a NATO member got attacked - Argentina attacked UK in 1982… and NATO did not intervened then.

      Defensive alliance my ass.

  • Kaffe@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    It’s a defensive pact, that’s why it’s never responded to an attack on a member state and has invaded multiple sovereign states

  • Anarcho-Bolshevik@lemmygrad.mlM
    2 years ago

    Good post. It would benefit from more citations (particularly for ‘the goal of NATO was to provoke the USSR into war’), but many of these statements should be fairly easy to confirm.

    I would like to add that the Estado Novo, a country that wouldn’t have qualified as democratic even by neoclassical liberalism’s own standards, cofounded the NATO. Needless to say, nobody was in a hurry to get Greece out of the NATO either when it was a military dictatorship from 1967 to 1974, or get Turkey out when it mutated into a military dictatorship twice. So much for safeguarding democracy.

    • CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.mlOP
      2 years ago

      Thanks; finding sources is something I do when writing but then I’m too lazy to include them in the post x) (I usually open 10 tabs to confirm one single thing).

      I don’t think I have any source for that claim:

      the goal of NATO was to provoke the USSR into war

      But that is only my conclusion from objectively looking at the history of NATO and the context of the Cold War. I’ve never seen anything that suggests the USSR wanted to invade Europe (maybe you have some sources for that?), so they had to find some use for their organisation. That + funding fascist paramilitaries to prevent socialism from winning in Europe and the context surrounding Afghanistan (the socialist government asking the USSR to help, and then USA funding the Mujahideen) just leads me to believe they really tried to provoke the USSR into war.

      • Anarcho-Bolshevik@lemmygrad.mlM
        2 years ago

        I’ve never seen anything that suggests the USSR wanted to invade Europe (maybe you have some sources for that?)

        Quite the contrary. Michael Parenti once said that ‘the American Historical Association published a set of documents that were rather intriguing—that—which they got out of the State Department under the Freedom of Information Act, which shows… that people in the State Department never believed… that the Soviets had any intention, or any interest, or any capability of invading Western Europe… in the late 1940s, or in the ’50s, or ’60s, or today for that matter.’ Unfortunately, he was not more specific than that, but it’s a good place to start.

        On the other hand, Daniel Ellsberg has confirmed that Moscow had no interest in invading Western Europe. Likewise, David Holloway confirmed that ‘[t]here is no evidence to show that Stalin intended to invade Western Europe, except in the event of a major war; and his overall policy suggests that he was anxious to avoid such a war, and not merely because the United States possessed the atomic bomb.

        And the claim is incredible just from the viewpoint of common sense: why would a country that just survived the largest invasion in all of history want to gamble with its existence and remaining resources invading Western Europe? The Soviets may have loathed the Western ruling classes, but they were not suicidal either.

        So why the fearmongering? Because the Fascists wanted to finish the job, and their fellow anticommunists embraced them.