• SnowCode
      24 years ago

      JITSI is so amazing! My preferred app so far for video conferencing for just meeting with one other people.

    • @GaussNoise
      24 years ago

      Yeah I have no idea why Zoom became the go to. But at least we have jitsi, which seems to have the same feature set (more or less).

  • @ajz
    2 years ago

    deleted by creator

  • adamsky
    24 years ago

    not that surprising really

  • @skrlet13
    14 years ago

    Only people who pay us have right to privacy uwu /s

    Considering all that’s happening in USA, i’d say this will target black people. Plz be safe folks and avoid zoom.

    • @k_o_tM
      44 years ago

      What? What does this have to do with black people? This is merely an attempt to sell user data under the premise of pRotEcTIng tHe uSErs…

      • @skrlet13
        44 years ago

        Police in USA are targeting black people. True, maybe Zoom itself doesn’t really mind about them, maybe is not specifically targeting them and is just doing it for money, but FBI does. And Zoom will share info with the FBI.

        It’s an indirect danger for them.

        • SnowCode
          24 years ago

          I seriously don’t think they would make a AI to target black people at distance from Zoom.