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    • मुक्त
      5 years ago

      Tankies and anarkkiddies.

      Ok, I can’t make sense of these terms and at this point I don’t pretend that I care for American politics one way or other. I am an Indian, from actual India, and if you want to know my relevant beliefs, I believe that Nazis were the national socialists of Germany - that before their power grab they were indeed socialists and pro-workers along with being nationalists and anti-jew. I have also read that Marx owned sizeable investment in shares - made handsome profit. Hypocrites! I have read about Bolshevik and Maoist ‘excesses’, as well as laisez faire in London - and that neither is undeniable.

      And both Nazis and Marxists are similarly hypocratic - they aim to centralize all power in a few hands, and abuse that against their percieved opponents. (This was the problem with centralized servers as well and attempts are being made to do something similar on mastodon et al.)

      Yes, both voat and lemmy are similar as far as I can see. They are decidedly unfriendly to one another, but they are similar.

      I was regular with voat in its formative phase but haven’t logged in on voat for months now. I used mainly for the tech news and privacy related stuff - Indian community there was a dud.

      In my experience, all young social networks are good places with good people and nice content; and they all become bad once a certain quality of crowd starts dominating the discourse.


      To clarify, I don’t really care for ideological politics. I think that ideologies are just a cover for real politics - that, that is their only purpose.

      Take the example of equality. Most people care for equality as long as they think they themselves are the have nots who’ll gain from more equality at the expense of the haves. But the moment tables turn - when equality requires them to sacrifice for other have nots, they’ll start leaving the wagon of equality, or whatever else is making them pay. Or, if they are politicians, they’ll keep on harping equality, equality, equality while themselves enriching way beyond equality - while hiding their own riches from the public eye.

      Is apolitical no longer a word?

      • kernel
        5 years ago

        I’m here because I’m sick of (American) politics everywhere, especially reddit. I think it’s best to keep politics contained in its own community… there’s plenty of other interesting stuff to discuss!