
  • @MysticDaedra
    -284 years ago

    I’m genuinely curious, looking to move from Reddit due to heavy-handed mod abuse and the extreme leftist bias of virtually all the big subreddits. Is Lemmy going to be a place where free speech is honored, or will conservatives always get the boot like on Reddit? I’m not talking about hate speech or calls for violence, I’m just as against that as the next person. But I’d like to know I’m not going to get banned because my opinion differed from that of a mod.

    • @wraptile
      4 years ago

      or will conservatives always get the boot like on Reddit?

      If it stinks of shit everywhere you go then maybe it’s time to look under your shoe? 🤔

      While there’s value in conservative thought most people who subscribe to it don’t know how to exercise it.

    • @concrete_baby@sh.itjust.works
      9 months ago

      You don’t understand Lemmy. Feel free to host your own instance with your conservatives views. It will likely get defederated by other instances, but nobody’s stopping you.

        • @IdahoVandal@sh.itjust.works
          710 months ago

          Haha, post age is a constant reminder that the Fediverse wasn’t getting much action for a long time. I don’t even know how many replies I’ve posted then noticed the age.

          • @can@sh.itjust.works
            510 months ago

            The “active” and “hot” feeds are kind of broken. Clearly configured with the lower post volume in mind. I suggest top>day until it’s fixed.

    • Maya
      224 years ago

      I think the important point to stress about how federated software works is that you can always host your own, or find an instance hosted by someone whose views you jive with, even if the flagship instance has moderation you don’t like. This is explicitly planned for, in fact–Lemmy has features surrounding convenient NSFW flags on content at the same time that porn is totally banned on the flagship instance (this one). That’s because it’s meant for people to host their own instances where they can moderate how they like. Tradcath Lemmy? Sure! No-English-allowed Lemmy? Si quieres, sí se puede.

    • @abbenm
      224 years ago

      The problem is that a lot of people actively engaging in hate speech and harassment, or actively supporting it, regularly blur the lines between ‘free speech’ and hate speech, and have a distorted worldview where they represent themselves as a persecuted minority, when really they are just flagrantly violating rules and need to be banned immediately.

      So I think it is very necessary, and very needed to have a healthy skepticism of people who claim to just be interested in free speech, because to those who have been following the modern evolution of trolling and harassment, those concepts have been utilized as a weapon by trolls who want to engage in hate speech and harassment.

      You aren’t talking about hate speech or calls for violence, so I would think you ought to be fine. But trolls who engage in coordinated harassment and try to call THAT behavior “free speech” are the #1 problem to watch out for.

    • MrScottyTay
      10 months ago

      As long as you’re not hateful in the way you show it, conservatism is not always inherently evil. Just sadly the further you go to the right the more hateful you become to the rest of the world.

      Not all conservatives are bad. But the kind that spout MAGA and long for Boris’ return are usually in that camp.

      I feel like most lemmy admins (at least on sh.itjust.works, from what I can tell) are quite lenient as long as what you office isn’t winning towards harming or hating on another group of people

      (Just to clarify to others, I am not a conservative, I’m very left leaning socially with some authoritarian views on certain governmental issues. But I also understand that not all conservatives are our enemy, we talk about them always ending up in echo chambers and ending up being more radicalised by doing so. I also don’t want the left to start creating their own echo chambers by proxy. Debating is very productive in my opinion, you learn more about your own arguments and whether or not deep down if you still feel that way, while also seeing the point of view from the other side which in turn can often shed light on the real issue all of it stems from. Depending on the context of the debate obviously)

    • @adrianmalacoda
      4 years ago

      The whole point of federation is that instead of joining a single centralized service, you’re joining the federation by joining a specific instance or creating your own instance. If you feel moderators on a certain instance are being heavy-handed you have the option to use a different instance which can still communicate with that other instance.

      As the network topology is completely different on a federated platform, moderation actually happens in two layers; instance-to-user and instance-to-instance. Instances each have their own codes of conduct, which users on that specific instance are expected to respect. On top of that, instances also have the ability to block (defederate) with other instances if it is seen as necessary for the protection of the users of that instance.

      You may be interested in how this works in practice on Mastodon. Mastodon.social, the flagship instance, has a code of conduct and a list of blocked instances along with - importantly - the reason they are blocked. As you will notice, not one of those instances is blocked for “different opinions” but rather for harassment and illegal content.

      Further reading https://www.theverge.com/2019/7/12/20691957/mastodon-decentralized-social-network-gab-migration-fediverse-app-blocking

    • aidan_kf
      29 months ago

      Don’t conservatives have an entire subreddit all to themselves that no one else can post in?