• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
    122 years ago

    I thought this quote was equal parts amusing and depressing

    I joined Mastodon this week, and it took a few hours just to master its new vocabulary. Some of it is a little silly-sounding: instead of tweets, you have “toots”. Things get trickier after that. Mastodon is not a single website but a network of thousands of websites called “instances”, also called servers. These servers are “federated”, which means they are run by different entities but can still communicate with each other without needing to go through a central system. And the space they all exist in is called the “fediverse”, which some savvy tooters call “the Fedi”.

    We’ve now got to the point where an idea of a distributed network with a bunch of sites on it is an alien concept to most people. This is literally how the internet was meant to work before it got taken over by megacorps.

    • @Cysioland@lemmygrad.ml
      112 years ago

      The problem is exacerbated by the new language and The Discourse from terminally online literal children on the fediverse

          • QueerCommie
            2 years ago

            Scene on Radio and Unfucking the Republic are good lefty pipeline podcasts. Scene has good seasons on intros to American imperialism, and Americas sham democracy without being outright commies. If she likes those try blowback, and since it’ll get one to empathize with socialists in the past you can try more outright commie stuff. Note: if she doesn’t like cursing then un-effing is not the the one, and if it does work make sure she doesn’t start listening to David Pakman or TYT 🤮 which it led me personally to.

            • @i_must_destroy@lemmygrad.mlOP
              92 years ago

              Funny story…Blowback season 2 was monumental in radicalizing me. I realized I had been totally lied to about Cuba and that I couldn’t even list reasons why they were considered so bad.

              Made me think ‘what else have they lied about?’

              • d-RLY?
                62 years ago

                I try to very directly hit friends and co-workers with stuff like that. Easy go to for reminding my older friends and co-workers is the “Drug War” and the DARE programs. Something that is mostly not considered a “political” example as far as it being pretty well excepted by left, right, and centre at this point. I too really got a big shot of “fuuuuck, what else have they lied about” from season 2 of Blowback. It has lead to me being able to talk with folks about how outright hypocritical the US is with Cuba alone. Which then leads to at least them having a better opinion of Cuba. So a start is a start, though I do still have a hard time with the more vilified indoctrination about China/DPRK/Russia/etc. They have a hard time with gray area opinions. Like the Ukraine stuff is so frustrating as most people see Russia as always bad (though to be fair the super anti-LGBTQIA+ stuff isn’t a good look from a liberation standpoint). So I am constantly having to preface anything slightly “pro-Russian” with “I’m not saying that their government are the good guys, just that our nation’s actions lead to this”. Though I firmly stand with the proletariat masses and not any of the governments or rich elites involved. Fuck NATO, Ukraine, Russia, Nazis, and the US. It is all just so covered with lies from all of them, that honest understanding of the facts is basically impossible to know. But we do know history is repeating itself and NATO’s agreements with members may very well lead to WW3 in the same ways that caused WW1.

              • @Munrock@lemmygrad.ml
                22 years ago

                Blowback is an excellent way to start introducing people to the truth, and that map of the annual UN vote to end the embargo on Cuba is a great way to get them curious enough to start listening to it.

    • Johnny Mojo
      32 years ago

      Good read, thanks!

      Yeah, getting straight with the new lingo and how things work in federated social media takes a bit of time, but I remember trying to figure out corporate social media when it first caught on, and it’s about equal.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
        32 years ago

        Agreed, and there are definitely things that can be done to make the fediverse more accessible to non-technical users. The kind of perspective the article gives is very useful to see what people struggle with and what edges need to be sanded to get more people to move off corporate platforms.