• @GenkiFeral
    -52 years ago

    Maybe Granny believed in the cause. i sure do. I almost cried when I saw the 10 or so John Deere tractors with the farmers on top blocking the intersection. it was a beautiful sight.

    • krolden
      2 years ago

      i wonder how they feel about right to repair laws. just more government overreach?

      also what, the cause of blocking traffic because you don’t want to wear a mask?

      • @GenkiFeral
        -72 years ago

        No one says all-or-nothing for any human or group. No one or thing can be either all bad or all good. That is lazy thinking. Governments have been wrong in the past. In their case, it is because of a vaccine against their will. But, yeah, I don’t want to wear a mask. Now, if some rude SoB if coughing and sneezing near me, I’d put one on if I carried one (I don’t) and ask him/her to. But, it hasn’t happened yet.
        Some of you remind me of the Buddhist saying about the finger pointing to the moon is not what you are supposed to focus on - you are supposed to focus on the moon. You don’t get the point. To me, this vaccine or mask mandate isn’t about a virus, but about control. Throughout human history, one group or another sought to control the population. I left home at age 16 because I didn’t want my family to control me or the school or church. There are psychological tests that rate what you most value. Time and again for me it is freedom. i never married or had kids because I value freedom more. I equate freedom with dignity. You have a right to your own values, but have no right to choose mine for me or impose your values onto others. I am a vegan, atheist, healthnut and a minimalist - should I impose my values on you? Is that considerate?

        • krolden
          62 years ago

          If anything these people have proven they cannot make their own decisions. They are literally advocating against public health measures that have been shown effective.

          Anyone who wont wear a mask is just an asshole, plain and simple. Deal with it and get over your hurt feelings. Also, i’m sure you’re one of the many people here concerned about government surveillance and whatever, so why not wear a mask just to keep your ugly mug off of cameras? That alone should be a good enough reason for you.

          This has nothing to do with values, it’s a public health issue and people like you cant see beyond your own smug sense of self government to save yourself.

          • @GenkiFeral
            -62 years ago

            You cherry pick your doctors and scientists and I have a slew i can quote from. This is a waste of our time, and that is exactly why each person should have the responsiblitiy and the right to live how they want and to live with the results of their choices. Promiscuous sex spreads diseases - even to women who’ve only been with one man all of their life. Should we outlaw sex outside of marriage? We could go on and on about how we each affect each other.

            • krolden
              62 years ago

              Don’t I have the right to live without you getting me infected even if you could have taken measures against it? Your freedom argument is a dead end. This goes beyond personal freedom and you need to accept that.

              • @GenkiFeral
                -42 years ago

                it is a dead end, because only symptoms can infect others. If my immune system handles it, there are no symptoms. this is not the black plague or rabies. 99% live and over 80% never get sick/symptoms. I won’t accept lies and poor logic. if your mask works so well, you have no need for me to wear one - especially since I stand farther away and have no symptoms. If you think I am a leper, stay home. A drunk behind the wheel of a car is more dangerous, yet bars have parking lots full of cars and you have to drive to the store to buy booze, maybe it should only be delivered? you are a coward about the wrong thing, mister. You are scared because soeone else TOLD you to be scared. That is pathetic.

                • Helix 🧬
                  2 years ago

                  if your mask works so well, you have no need for me to wear one – especially since I stand farther away and have no symptoms.

                  This is a weird argument since it has been proven that if both people wear a mask, the possibility of transmission is reduced even further than if only one person wears a mask. You have more mucous membranes than your nose and mouth, so you’d have to wear a full face mask with an ABEK filter or something like that so you’re 100% safe. Source control (the potentially infectious person wearing a mask) is more effective than (just) target control.

                  You don’t need to have any symptoms to be an infectious carrier of COVID-19.

                  I won’t accept lies and poor logic. […] If you think I am a leper, stay home.

                  I won’t accept lies and poor logic either. I just accept facts. You argue with feelings.

                  Your freedom ends where my freedom begins. Why should I stay home when you can wear a mask in public? It’s not that hard. People who don’t wear masks without a proper reason are just weak and pathetic.

                  you have to drive to the store to buy booze, maybe it should only be delivered?

                  If you always drink the booze at the store, you are the problem. Most people can control themselves until they know they don’t have to drive anymore. Apart from the bad analogy which has nothing to do with wearing a mask.

                • mekhos
                  42 years ago

                  Earlier this week USA passed 900,000 people dead of covid-19 - how does that stack up to drunk drivers?

                  • @GenkiFeral
                    -22 years ago

                    oh, yeah?
                    all of those men who had HIV didn’t die of AIDS then. They died of pneumonia, same as all of those patients who had heart disease. Yeah, thats the ticket: they all died of a secondary disorder and not the first disorder at all.

                • @upvotebot9
                  02 years ago

                  Thank you for being the only logical person on this post.

    • @testingthis
      -92 years ago

      Thank you. There is still some sanity left on the internet. This movement was critically important. So cool that you actually saw it!!

      • @keegomatic
        52 years ago

        What do you consider critically important about it?

        • @GenkiFeral
          -92 years ago

          I consider citizens reminding the government or any institution who wants power over others that it is us that allows them to have that power. I am also a huge fan of consumer advocacy because companies also tend to exert power over others - from polluting the waterways or soil to allowing harmful products to be sold to putting employees at risk. I hate bullies and like to see them put in their place. I am in better shape than most people my age, so I do care about health, but I mind my own business and take care of my own immune system and don’t preach to others about their diet or smoking or using tosix cleaners. If you want to destroy your health, your immune system, go right ahead. But, don’t dare tell me it is my fault becasue YOUR immune system didn’t properly handle a virus

          • krolden
            82 years ago

            But, don’t dare tell me it is my fault becasue YOUR immune system didn’t properly handle a virus

            wat. I dont think you quite understand how viruses work.

            • @GenkiFeral
              -82 years ago

              I know more about health and even viruses than most people. Your immune system handles the virus if YOU handled your immune system by making better choices. A study in CA showed that over 80% of people of 2 counties had the antibodies for the virus and yet never got sick - no symptoms. Their immune system did its job - what it evolved for millions of years to do. The other 20% didn’t get the virus yet. Covid-19 is not rabies, but works like the flu. You might feel weak for an hour, a year, or not at all - depending on how your immune system handles it. People have that crappy saying, “well, ya gotta die of somethin’”. Well, jackass, something might be here and if you have a major illness already, something might take you out a bit quicker. oh well. your choice.

              • krolden
                102 years ago

                That’s quite the long winded way of saying “i don’t care about anyone but myself”.

                • @GenkiFeral
                  -72 years ago

                  I am vegan and haven’t eaten mammals or fowl in over 30 years. I give rides to many hitchhkers. I care how I chose and don’t have to care for or value what you do. Its called having my own spinal column, You should look for your own.

                  • Jama
                    72 years ago

                    So you probably aren’t human, since you care more about other species than yours. Who cares of people with conditions, who cares about poor people, who cares about fragile ones, who cares about your grandma or your mother or the one friend who will have a bad case of COVID even with completely healthy immune system, right? You don’t have any moral “spinal column”, you are just a egoistic and egocentric person who doesn’t care of anyone except yourself. You are not on any higher moral ground, you’re just selfish. And even as a selfish person, you would make the worst decision about masks and vaccine, since your survival probability are higher if you vaccinate and put a mask on. So, it’s not about control, it’s not about your “freedom”, it’s not about health, it’s about your whims

              • Helix 🧬
                52 years ago

                Your immune system handles the virus if YOU handled your immune system by making better choices.

                What the actual fuck. There’s several other reasons for having a weak immune system.

                Covid-19 is not rabies, but works like the flu.

                This is incorrect. The flu is not a coronavirus but a virus of the category orthomyxoviridae.

                • @GenkiFeral
                  -12 years ago

                  your level of stupidity is surprising. a comparison is not naming a category of virus, dipship. i guess the virologist who was on national TV saying exactly what I said is also incorrect. WHY a person has a weak immune system is not my concern. The planet doesn’t revolve around a few weak people. You like science? Survival of the fittest. Evolution kills off the weak. It is humane in the long run. As a whole, sugar, white flour, and cooking/culinary oils are far more deadly than covid-19 - because they are overconsumed. If you don’t love yourself, how do you expect others to love you? Heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are the top 3 killers - and mostly preventable - especially the first two. Do you want those 3 foods I mentioned made illegal or to have warning signs or to be bought only with a license and only in regulated amounts? Your logic is off and you repeat only what the MSM tells you. pathetic.

                  • @pinknoise
                    2 years ago

                    Survival of the fittest.

                    Is an emergent rule of nature, something humanity doesn’t have to abide by since most of us got something called a brain.

                    It is humane in the long run.

                    No it is and will be inhumane.

                    If you don’t love yourself, how do you expect others to love you?

                    So what you want is eugenics, did I get this right?

      • @GenkiFeral
        -42 years ago

        hey! I briefly looked for the American version that may go to DC. I need to keep reading, but maybe its easier for you to tell me. Is there still a convoy planned and, if so, when? I gathered that it had to do with written verification regarding how a certain new law would be implemented…had to be in writing. And, i am in Dallas, TX, so how can I find which highway or truckstop they’ll all gather at? It would be fun to see them off since I can’t travel to DC. Maybe that needs to be private, though, so that they cannot be stopped? I don’t have great editing skills or tech skills, but I can edit video a bit. It might be fun to stay in contact with a few truckers from Dallas and maybe I could edit their videos that they send me and upload them to YT, removedute, and Odysee. Just a random idea. I feel the need to participate, but in an armchair-warrior kinda way. I suppose I could also upload to a few social media sites such as MeWe, Minds, Lemmy…